Start the restore utility by entering sybrestore along with a login and server name (or host name and port number). Providing the database name invokes noninteractive mode.
If you do not provide a password, you are prompted to enter one when you execute the command. If the connection to the server fails, an error message is raised. By default, the $SYBASE/interfaces file is used. If you specify an interfaces file, that file is used instead of $SYBASE/interfaces.
sybrestore -S server_name | host_name:port_number -U username [-P password ] [-t [point in time of restore]] [-I interfaces_file ] [-J character set ] [-R Restore from master database corruption ] [-d dump directory ] [-s list system databases except master database ] [-v version ] [-z language ] [-o Log output]
sybrestore -S server_name | host_name:port_number -U username [-P password] -D database_name [-d dump_directory] [-I interfaces_file] [-o Log output]