sybrestore allows you to restore an SAP ASE database to the time of failure from the most current full database backup dump files.
sybrestore [-v ] [-h ] [-S server_name | host_name:port_number] [-t [point in time of restore]] [-d dump_directory] [-I interfaces_file ] [-J character_set ] [-P password ] [-U username] [-z language ] [-R Restore from master database corruption ] [-s list system databases except master database ] [-o Log output]
Parameters for noninteractive mode:
sybrestore [-v ] [-h ] -S server_name | host_name:port_number -U username [-P password] -D database_name [-d dump_directory] [-I interfaces_file] [-o Log output]
(UNIX) $SYBASE/interfaces
(Windows) %SYBASE%\ini\sql.ini
host_name:port_number specifies the machine name and the port number.
sybrestore -Usa -P -SlinuxData
sybrestore -Usa -P -SlinuxData <<<<<<====User Database Restore Menu ====>>>>>>>> c : Complete Database Restore p : Database Point-In-Time Restore
sybrestore -Usa -P -SaseServer1 -t
sybrestore -Usa -P -SaseServer1 -Ddba_db
SAP ASE server and Backup Server are running for both the target and source.
The master database is available.
The log segment of the source database is available for dumping and then loading back the most recent transaction logs that have not been dumped.
Either history files or external dump files are available.
To use sybrestore, you must be logged in with the sa_role, or as the database owner.