upgrade server

Upgrades a nonclustered SAP ASE server to the SAP ASE Cluster Edition, and creates a cluster with a single instance.

You can perform the upgrade by answering prompts at the command line or via an input file.

See the SAP ASE Cluster Edition installation guide for your platform for upgrade information.


upgrade server server_name 
	[ login login_name ]
	[ password password ]
	[ agent agent_spec ]
	[ discovery discovery_spec ]
	[ file input_file_name ]
	[ checkonly ]




upgrade server prompts for these values:
  • The Sybase installation directory of the non-clustered SAP ASE server.

  • The release home directory of the non-clustered SAP ASE server.

  • The Open Client home directory of the non-clustered SAP ASE server.

  • The installation mode, private or shared.

  • If sybcluster detects a VCS subsystem, asks if you want to include VCS integration with the cluster.

  • If you have not configured LDAP, the path to the interfaces file.

  • The name of the first instance in the cluster.

  • Other values as required to create a cluster.

The checkonly option does not perform any upgrade steps, but instead check the server’s readiness for upgrade. Resolve the error conditions checkonly finds before performing the upgrade.

Related reference
create cluster