Specifying Device and Logical Page Sizes When Building a New SAP ASE Server

Create a new SAP ASE server by issuing dataserver using the -b and -z options.

For example, to:

If the total requested space (102,400 x 2K = 200 MB) is insufficient to build all the required system databases using the specified logical page size, then an error message is reported, and the process fails.


The following is a sample output of dataserver building a 200MB device with a 2K logical page size, called personnel2k:

dataserver -d /var/sybase/personnel2k.dat -b200M -z2k -sPERSONNEL2K

dataserver uses a default configuration file if you do not specify one:

00:00000:00000:2001/04/16 10:24:31.73 kernel  Warning: Using default file
'/var/sybase/PERSONNEL2K.cfg' since a configuration file was not specified. 
Specify a configuration file name in the RUNSERVER file to avoid this 

To specify your own configuration file, use the dataserver -c parameter. See Chapter 11, “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for more information.

SAP ASE treats all installations as an upgrade, regardless of whether you have an existing version of SAP ASE or not. For this reason, you see the following output when running dataserver:

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:32.63 server  Database 'master' appears to
be at an older revision than the present installation; SQL Server will assess 
it, and upgrade it as required.

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:32.66 server  Database 'master': beginning 
upgrade step [ID    1]: Initialize disk and create empty allocation units 
on master device. 

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:34.74 server  Database 'master': beginning 
upgrade step [ID    2]: Bootstrap basic system catalogs in database. 

dataserver continues creating the master database, including all of its tables such as systypes, sysobjects and sysusages:

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:35.21 server  Database 'master': beginning upgrade step [ID    3]: creating index (table systypes, index ncsystypes)

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:35.36 server  Database 'master': beginning
upgrade step [ID    4]: creating index (table sysobjects, index 

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:35.44 server  Database 'master': beginning 
upgrade step [ID    20]: creating table (table sysusages)


When dataserver has created the master database, it creates the model database:


00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:43.14 server  Database 'model' appears to 
be at an older revision than the present installation; SQL Server will assess 
it, and upgrade it as required.

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:43.14 server  Database 'model': beginning 
upgrade step [ID    1]: Initialize disk and create empty allocation units 
on master device. 

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:43.83 server  Database 'model': beginning 
upgrade step [ID    2]: Bootstrap basic system catalogs in database. 

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:43.89 server  Database 'model': beginning 
upgrade step [ID    3]: creating index (table systypes, index ncsystypes)

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:43.91 server  Database 'model': beginning 
upgrade step [ID    4]: creating index (table sysobjects, index 


When dataserver has created the model database, it creates the tempdb and sybsystemdb databases:


00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:45.23 server  CREATE DATABASE: allocating
1024 logical pages (2.0 megabytes) on disk 'master'.

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:46.79 server  Database sybsystemdb 
successfully created.


dataserver is successful when the server changes the default sort order and shuts down:


00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:47.23 server  Now loading SQL Server's new
default sort order and character set

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:47.31 server  Default Sort Order
successfully changed.

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:47.37 server  SQL Server shutdown after
verifying System Indexes.

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 10:24:47.37 kernel  ueshutdown: exiting

Error Messages

If dataserver is unsuccessful, you cannot start the server on that master device, and you see the following error message:

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 19:02:39.53 kernel  Use license file

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 19:02:39.54 kernel  The master device's 
configuration area appears to be corrupt. The server needs this data to boot, 
and so cannot continue. The server will shut down.

If you run dataserver with a user-specified configuration file that includes options that make it impossible to allocate a shared segment and start up a server, dataserver fails with an error message, and you cannot boot the server on that master device:

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 19:04:01.11 kernel  Use license file

00:00000:00000:2001/02/09 19:04:01.25 kernel  Using config area from primary 
master device.

00:00000:00001:2001/04/16 19:04:01.36 server  The value of the 'max 
total_memory' parameter (33792) defined in the configuration file is not high 
enough to set the other parameter values specified in the configuration file. 
'max total_memory' should be greater than the logical memory '34343'.