Creating or Editing Resource Files

Resource files are used by the restore utility to build an SAP ASE server.

  1. In the command window, start sybrestore without specifying parameters.

    Once the Restore Database wizard starts, you see the Master Restore Database Menu.

    <<<<<<====Master Restore Database Menu ====>>>>>>>
    u : Restore User Database 
    m : Restore Master Database
  2. Enter:

    You see:

    <<<<<<====Master Restore Database Menu ====>>>>>>>
    e : Edit Resource Files
    c : Edit Restore Tool Configuration File
    r : Restore Master Database
  3. Enter:

    You see the Edit Resources Files wizard.

  4. Enter the names of the resource files for your platform.

    For the UNIX/Linux platform:

    • The SAP ASE server
    • sqlloc (language, character sets and sort order)
    • XP server (optional)

    For Windows platform:

    • The SAP ASE server
    • Backup Server
    If you editing existing resource files, you are prompted to confirm the names of the files. When editing the resource files, the restore utility modifies only the rows specific to restoring the database. 

    If you do not have resource files available, you are prompted to either:

    • Create the resource files from a locally running an SAP ASE server by connecting to the server and collecting default data.

      You must provide server connection information such as the server name or hostname:port#, the login name and password. After connecting to the server, sybrestore displays the default data enclosed in square-brackets, such as:

      Select network protocol    
      1 : TCP TCP/IP Net-Library driver    
      2 : NAMEPIPE Named Pipes Net-Libray driver    
      3 : SPX SPX/IPX Net-Library driver    
      4 : DECNET DecNET Net-Library driver    
      Provide a number (1 to 4) ->[1]  
      Provide its network port number:[5000]    
      Select ASE application type    
      1 : MIXED    
      2 : OLTP    
      3 : DSS    
      Provide a number (1 to 3) ->[1]   
    • Create the resource files from the sample resource files located here:
      • Windows platform: $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/sample/server/
      • Unix and Linux platform: $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/init/sample_resource_files/

      You are prompted to confirm or change the default values taken from the sample resource files.

    If the restoremaster.cfg does not exist, one will be created for you.
  5. Provide the name of the SAP ASE server.
  6. Provide the system administrator login name and password.
    The system administer password specified is a temporary password that is visible in the resource files. This password should only be used to restore the master database. Once the master database is restored, you will be prompted for the secure sa password associated with the master database.
  7. Provide the following information for the network configuration:
    1. Network protocol and network port number.
    2. SAP ASE application type.
    3. Server page size.
    4. Language set, character set, and sort order.
  8. Specify whether to optimize the SAP ASE configuration.
  9. Provide the following information for device names, location, and sizes:
    1. Master device name, location, and size.
    2. sybsystemprocs name, location, and size.
    3. sybsystemdb name, location, and size.
    4. Temporary database name, location, and size.
  10. Specify the name and location for the SAP ASE error log.
  11. Specify whether to enable PCI in the SAP ASE server. If yes, provide the name, location, and size of the device.
  12. Provide the name and network port number of the Backup Server.
  13. Specify whether to configure an XP Server. If yes, prove the name and network port number.
  14. Specify the name and location of the SAP ASE configuration file, and the dump history file.
  15. Confirm the update to the resource files and the restore utility configuration file.