Resource files are used by the restore utility to build an SAP ASE server.
Once the Restore Database wizard starts, you see the Master Restore Database Menu.
<<<<<<====Master Restore Database Menu ====>>>>>>> u : Restore User Database m : Restore Master Database
You see:
<<<<<<====Master Restore Database Menu ====>>>>>>> e : Edit Resource Files c : Edit Restore Tool Configuration File r : Restore Master Database
You see the Edit Resources Files wizard.
For the UNIX/Linux platform:
For Windows platform:
If you do not have resource files available, you are prompted to either:
You must provide server connection information such as the server name or hostname:port#, the login name and password. After connecting to the server, sybrestore displays the default data enclosed in square-brackets, such as:
Select network protocol 1 : TCP TCP/IP Net-Library driver 2 : NAMEPIPE Named Pipes Net-Libray driver 3 : SPX SPX/IPX Net-Library driver 4 : DECNET DecNET Net-Library driver Provide a number (1 to 4) ->[1] Provide its network port number:[5000] Select ASE application type 1 : MIXED 2 : OLTP 3 : DSS Provide a number (1 to 3) ->[1]
You are prompted to confirm or change the default values taken from the sample resource files.