Configuration and Resource Files

When restoring a master database, the restore utility uses the information saved in the master database restore utility $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/restoremaster.cfg configuration file.

In turn, the restoremaster.cfg configuration file relies on this information to restore the master database: This is an example of restore utility configuration file and the required input files: 
Note: The file names shown are simplified; they can be prefixed with a full path followed by the file name.  If a path is not prefixed in the file name, it assumes that the path is $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE.
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# Resource files 
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# Adaptive Server configuration file and dumphist file 
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If the restoremaster.cfg file does not exist, you can create the file by starting sybrestore, selecting Master Database Restore, then selecting Edit Restore Tool Configuration File. A sample configuration file is located in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/sample/server directory.

If the resource files do not exist, you can create new files from a locally running server or sample resource files. You can also edit existing resource files. To create or edit resource files, start sybrestore, select Master Database Restore, then select Edit Resource Files.

When initiating Edit Resource Files, these options are available:

File Availability sybrestore Options
The configuration file and resource files are available. sybrestore defaults to the resource files indicated in the existing configuration file. You are prompted to confirm the name and location of resource file that are to be used. The sybrestore utility will also prompt you to confirm the values in the existing resource files.
A configuration file does not exists. A new configuration file is created that references the specified resource files.
The resource files and configuration file do not exist. You are prompted to name a locally running SAP ASE server. Resource files are then constructed based on the values of the locally running server. If you do not name a locally running server, resource files are created based on the sample resource files. You are also prompted to confirm or change the values taken from the sample resource files. A configuration file is created which references the new resource files.