Interactive Menu Options

Menu options for the interactive sybrestore utility.

Note: After every successful action such as Go, sybrestore will proceed through the menu system. Any action that raises an error or exception causes the utility to quit.
Special Meaning Keys
Option Description
q From the menu level, quit the restore utility session.
Ctrl c Abort the restore utility session.
Space bar To move back to the previous menu step.
? To display the restore utility help.
Options for the Complete Database Restore Menu and Database Point-In-Time Restore Menu

Menu Option


s: Select Database Select the database to be restored.
t: Target Server

Select the target server if it is not same as source server. Provide the target server information:

  • Server name or host name and port number.
  • User name.
  • Password.
  • A mapping directory that maps the mount point of the dump files in the source server to the mount point of the dump files in the target server.
  • Specify whether the target database has the same name as the source database.
r: Recreate Database When the input is yes, the database is dropped and re-created using specified devices and device sizes, and log devices and log sizes.
e: Use External Dump

Whether you want to restore the database from dump history files. When the input is no, provide the external backup files to restore the database:

  • The archive directory for the dump database file location and the dump database file name, including respective stripe names.
  • The dump transaction log file location and multiple dump transaction log file names, including respective stripes names.
Using the external dump option overrides using dump history files.
i: Point-In-Time Select the point in time to restore the database.
c: Check Geometry When the input is yes, you see the comparison between the data size and log size of the device fragments of the dumped database, and the corresponding data size and log size of the device fragments of the target database.

This option is provided when dump history files exist and external dump files are not being used to restore the database.

d: Dump Directory When yes, you can change whether to dump the last transaction of the source database, and change the dump directory for dumping the last transaction.
o: Online Database When yes, the database is brought online after restoring the database.
p: Preview Shows the SQL statements that will be executed.
Go Use “Go” to run all the menus options without having to select menus individually. “Go” runs all menu options in sequence and then exits. If a menu item has already been executed, for example, if you have already selected a database, you are not prompted again to select a database.
Restore Database Menu

Menu Option


u : User Database Restore Directs you to the User Database Restore menu. You can choose to go to the Complete Database Restore or Database Point-In-Time Restore wizard.
m : Master Database Restore Directs you to the Master Database Restore wizard. The interactive wizard provides option selections and prompts to restore master database.
User Database Restore Menu

Menu Option


c : Complete Database Restore Directs you to the Complete Database Restore wizard. The interactive wizard provides option selections and prompts to restore a user database.
p : Database Point-In-Time Restore Directs you to the Database Point-In-Time Restore wizard. The interactive wizard provides option selections and prompts to restore a user database to a point in time.
Master Database Restore Menu

Menu Option


e : Edit Resource Files Directs you to the Edit Resources Files wizard. The resource files are used by the restore utility to build an SAP ASE server. 
c : Edit Restore Tool Configuration File Directs you to the Edit Restore Tool Configuration File wizard. The configuration file contains information about the resource files used to build the SAP ASE server and Backup Server, the SAP ASE configuration file, and the dump history file. On the UNIX platform, there is additional resource file for the XP server and a resource file for the sqlloc utility which is used to set the language, character set, and sort order.
m : Restore Master Database Directs you to the Restore Master Database wizard. The interactive wizard provides option selections and prompts to restore master database.