Migrating databases that support wide data

Adaptive Server version 12.5 and later can generate data wider than what Replication Server version 12.1 and earlier can handle. If RepAgent passes wide data to Replication Server 12.1 or earlier, Replication Server threads may shut down.

RepAgent communicates with Replication Server using Log Transfer Language (LTL). When the RepAgent connects to Replication Server, it returns an LTL version as shown in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1: Replication Server and LTL versions

Replication Server version

LTL version

12.1 and earlier

< 400

12.5 and later

>= 400

If Replication Server returns an LTL version less than 400, RepAgent uses the setting of the data limits filter mode option to determine how to treat wide data.

You can set the data limits filter mode option using sp_config_rep_agent. Values for data limits filter mode are:

Table 9-2 shows column and width limits for Replication Server 12.1 and earlier and Replication Server 12.5 and later.

Table 9-2: Replication Server column number and width limits


Replication Server 12.1 and earlier

Replication Server 12.5 and later

Column count



Column width