sybcluster interactive commands

Some interactive commands are active before you connect to a cluster (see “Commands active before connecting to a cluster”); others are active only after you connect to a cluster (see “Commands active after connecting to a cluster”).

The sybcluster command prompt includes the current cluster and the default instance when these values have been set. The prompt is:

Commands active before connecting to a cluster

These commands are active before you connect to a cluster. They are not available after you connect to a cluster.

	[ to cluster_name ]
	[ Login login_name ]
	[ Password [password ]]
	[ Agent agent_spec ]
	[ Discovery discovery_spec ]

Create Cluster [cluster_name ] 
	[ Login login_name ]
	[ Password password ]
	[ Agent agent_spec ]
	[ Discovery discovery_spec ]
	[ File input_file ]

Deploy Plugin 
	[ Login login_name ]
	[ Password password ]
	[ Agent agent_spec ]
	[ Discovery discovery_spec ]



Show agents
	[ login login_name ]
	[ password password ]
	[ agent “agent_spec[, agent_spec[,...]]” ]
	[ discovery “discovery_spec[, discovery_spec[,...]]” ]

Upgrade server server_name 
	[ login login_name ]
	[ password password ]
	[ agent agent_spec ]
	[ discovery discovery_spec ]
	[ file input_file_name ]
	[ checkonly ]

Commands active after connecting to a cluster

These commands are active only after you connect to a cluster:

	Instance instance_name
		file file_name
	Instance instance_name

	Instance instance_name


		MaxInst max_num_instances
		Login [ login_name ] [ Password password ]
		TraceFlags trace_flag
		Primary Protocol protocol
		Secondary Protocol protocol
	Instance [ instance_name ]
		LogPath log_file_path
			Address ip_address
			Port port_range_start port_range_end
			Address ip_address
			Port port_range_start port_range_end
		StartArgs startup_arguments

			[ Errors]
			[ MinSeverity severity_level |
			[ StartDate [date_string ]]
			[ EndDate [date_string ]]
  			[ Last num_of_lines ]

	Instance [instance_name]
			[ Errors ]
			[ MinSeverity severity_level ]
			[ StartDate [date_string ]]
			[ EndDate [date_string ]]
  			[ Last num_of_lines ]


	Membership mode



	Instance [ instance_name ]

	Instance instance_name 
		[ Unlock ]

Use [ instance_name ]


add backupserver


Configures Backup Server for nodes not already configured for Backup Server.


add backupserver


Example 1

Adds a Backup Server to “mycluster” on nodes “blade3” and “blade4”.

add backupserver

Finding nodes for which Backup Server is not configured...
Do you want to configure Backup Server for node "blade3"? [Y]
Please enter the Backup Server port number for node "blade3": 5001
Do you want to configure Backup Server for node "blade4"? [Y]
Please enter the Backup Server port number for node "blade4": 50011


add instance


Adds one new instance to the cluster. The instance can be added interactively, with sybcluster prompting for necessary configuration information, or through an input file. add instance also creates a local system temporary database for the new instance. add instance prompts vary depending on whether configuration for the cluster is shared or private.


add instance instance_name [ file “input_file” ]



is the name of the instance.

file “input_file

specifies a file name that contains the configuration information for adding an instance.




Connects to an existing cluster.


connect [ to cluster_name ]
	[ login login_name ]
	[ password [password ]]
	[ agent  “agent_spec [, agent_spec [,...]]” ]
	[ discovery  “ discovery_spec [, discovery_spec [, ...]]" ]



is the name of the cluster to which you are connecting.

login login_name

is the management agent login for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. The user name and password can be configured to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

For information about Sybase Common Security, see Unified Agent and Agent Management Console Version 2.0 for Windows and UNIX.

password password

is the management agent password for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. The user name and password can be configured to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

agent agent_spec

is the agent specification that identifies the nodes in the cluster running a Unified Agent, and the port number that sybcluster uses to connect to the Unified Agent. The format is node_name:port_number[, node_name:port_number ][,...]. The default port number is 9999.

This is the preferred method for connecting to a cluster.

discovery discovery_spec

is the discovery method used to identify the agents responsible for the requested cluster. The format is method[(method_specification)][, ( method_specification )[,...]]. See Table 8-1.


Example 1

Connects to “mycluster,” when “mycluster” is the default cluster specified in the sybcluster command statement.


Example 2

In this example, you connect to “mycluster” using the agent specification and default port numbers.

connect to mycluster agent "blade1,blade2,blade3"


create backupserver


Creates a Backup Server for the cluster, or, if the cluster has been configured for multiple Backup Servers, creates a Backup Server for each instance in the cluster.


create backupserver 


Example 1

Creates the Backup Server “mycluster_BS” for “mycluster”:

create backupserver
Do you want to create multiple Backup Servers? [Y] N
Enter the Backup Server name: [mycluster_BS]
Enter the Backup Server log file path: [$SYBASE/ASE-15_0/
Do you want to create a Backup Server for node "blade1"? [Y]
Enter the Backup Server port number for node "blade1":
The Backup Server "mycluster_BS" was successfully defined.

Example 2

Creates multiple Backup Servers for “mycluster” running on “ase1” on “blade1” and “ase2” on “blade2.”

create backupserver
Do you want to create multiple Backup Servers? [Y] Y
The "dump/load" commands would be routed to appropriate Backup Server based on following policies:
1. Dedicated - Each instance associated with exactly one Backup Server.
2. Round Robin - Choose the Backup Server with least number of requests in round robin fashion starting from global cluster level counter.
Enter the number corresponding to the policy to be used: [1] 1

Enter the Backup Server name for instance ase1: [ase1_BS]
Enter Backup Server log file path: [/remote/var/sybase/install/ase1_BS_log]
Enter the Backup Server port for node "blade1": 23001

Enter the Backup Server name for instance ase2: [ase2_BS]
Enter Backup Server log file path: [/remote/var/sybase/install/ase2_BS_log]
Enter the Backup Server port for node "blade2": 23002

Backup Servers successfully defined.


create cluster


Creates an Adaptive Server shared-disk cluster. Enter the necessary configuration information interactively, as responses to a series of prompts, or use an input file.


create cluster [cluster_name ]
	[ login login_name ]
	[ password password ]
	[ agent “agent_spec [, agent_spec [, ...]]” ]
	[ discovery “ discovery_spec [, discovery_spec [, ...]]” ]
	[ file “input_file” ]



is the name of the cluster.

login login_name

is the management agent login for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the simple login module in the agent configuration. You can configure the user name and password to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

password password

is the management agent password for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. You can configure the user name and password to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

agent agent_spec

is the agent specification that identifies the nodes in the cluster running a Unified Agent, and the port number that sybcluster uses to connect to the Unified Agent. The format is node_name:port_number [, node_name:port_number ] [,...]. The default port number is “9999.”

discovery discovery_spec

is the discovery method used to identify the agents responsible for the requested cluster. The format is method[(method_specification)] [, ( method_specification ) [,...]]. See Table 8-1.

file “input_file

is the operating system input file for creating the cluster.


Example 1

Creates a new cluster called “mycluster”; sybcluster prompts you for the information necessary to create the cluster.

create cluster mycluster

Example 2

Creates a new cluster called “mycluster1” using configuration information supplied in the mycluster1.xml file.

create cluster mycluster1 file mycluster1.xml


create xpserver


Creates an XP Server for each instance in the cluster.


create xpserver


Example 1

Creates an XP Server for each instance in “mycluster”.

create xpserver

Enter the XP Server port number for instance "ase1": 
Enter the XP Server port number for instance "ase2": 
Enter the XP Server port number for instance "ase3": 
The XP Server was successfully defined for each instance.


create xpserver prompts for the XP Server listening port for each node in the cluster. Other information necessary to create the XP Server is read from the cluster configuration file.

deploy plugin


Adds the configuration information for a single instance of the cluster to the Unified Agent. Can be used to configure the Unified Agent to manage a cluster if you created the cluster without using the Adaptive Server plug-in or sybcluster utility, or if you need to recreate the Unified Agent configuration for a cluster. The configuration of a cluster instance is performed by deploying a Unified Agent plug-in.


deploy plugin 
	[ login login_name ] 
	[ password password ] 
	[ agent agent_spec ] 
	[ discovery discovery_spec ]


login login_name

is the management agent login for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. The user name and password can be configured to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

password password

is the management agent password for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. The user name and password can be configured to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

agent agent_spec

is the agent specification that identifies the nodes in the cluster running a Unified Agent, and the port number that sybcluster uses to connect to the Unified Agent. The format is “node_name:port_number [, node_name:port_number ] [,...]]”. The default port number is “9999”.

discovery discovery_spec

is the discovery method used to identify the agents responsible for the requested cluster. The format is “method[(method_specification)] [, ( method_specification ) [,...]]”. See Table 8-1 for more information about discovery methods.


Example 1

Deploys the plug-in using the uaf agent on host “system1501”.

deploy plugin agent system1501

sybcluster prompts for the cluster name, cluster node number, installation mode, full path to the quorum device, the environment shell script path, and the Adaptive Server home directory.

Example 2

Deploys the plug-in and uses discovery to identify the agent:

deploy plugin discovery udp


diagnose cluster


Performs a set of checks to ensure that the cluster is working correctly.


diagnose cluster


Example 1

Checks that “mycluster” is working correctly.

diagnose cluster
Cluster name...................mycluster
Maximum instances..............4
Cluster node count.............1
Instances defined..............4
Is cluster locked..............Yes
JDBC connection available......1 ase1 Yes
JDBC connection available......2 ase2 Yes
JDBC connection available......3 ase3 Yes
JDBC connection available......4 ase4 Yes
Instance Public Network........1 ase1 on blade1 ( Reachable: Yes
Instance Public Network........2 ase2 on blade1 ( Reachable: Yes
Instance Public Network........3 ase3 on blade1 ( Reachable: Yes
Instance Public Network........4 ase4 on blade1 ( Reachable: Yes
Has private Primary network.... No
Has private Secondary network.. No
Network ports required/instance 20
Minimum port allowed........... 1025
Maximum port allowed............65535

Current port strategy........... Public primary and secondary unique.
...The ports are sequenced primary followed by the next instance primary.
...When the primaries are are completed the secondary ports follow the same

Recommended port strategy....... Public primary and secondary unique.
...The ports are sequenced primary followed by the next instance primary.
...When the primaries are are completed the secondary ports follow the same 


diagnose cluster checks that:

diagnose instance


Performs a set of checks to ensure that the instance is configured correctly.


diagnose instance [instance_name]



is the name of an instance. If no instance name is entered, sybcluster uses the default value.


Example 1

Displays and verifies configuration information for “ase1” on “mycluster”.

diagnose instance ase1
Cluster name ................. mycluster
Instance id .................. 1
Instance name ................ ase1
Node name .................... blade1

Query port ................... 7101

JDBC connection available .... Yes

Instance Public Network ....... 1 ase1 on blade1 ( Reachable:.....Yes

Minimum port allowed.......... 1025
Maximum port allowed .......... 65535

Instance port range ........... 1 Primary ase1 17100 to 17115 (16) Okay
Instance port range ........... 1 Secondary ase1 17165 to 17180 (16) Okay


Use diagnose cluster to ensure the cluster is configured correctly.



Closes all connections to the current cluster and returns sybcluster to an unconnected state.




Use connect to reconnect to an existing cluster.

drop backupserver


Drops Backup Server from a node or from the cluster. If the cluster has been configured for multiple Backup Servers, drops all Backup Servers.


drop backupserver 


Example 1

Drops a single Backup Server.

drop backupserver
Do you want to drop the Backup Server from:
    1. Selected nodes
    2. Cluster
Enter choice: 1
Do you want to drop Backup Server from node "blade1"? [N] y
Do you want to drop Backup Server from node "blade2"? [N] 
The Backup Server has been dropped from selected nodes.

Example 2

Drops the Backup Server from the cluster.

drop backupserver
Do you want to drop the Backup Server from:
    1. Selected nodes
    2. Cluster
Enter choice: 2
Are you sure you want to drop Backup Server mycluster_BS from cluster mycluster? (Y or N): [N] y
The Backup Server has been dropped.

Example 3

Drops all Backup Servers when multiple Backup Servers have been configured for the cluster:

drop backupserver
Multiple Backup Server are defined for the cluster. This command will drop all of them. 
Are you sure you want to continue? (Y/N): [N] y
The Backup Server has been dropped.


Use drop backupserver to drop a Backup Server from the cluster.

drop cluster


Removes each instance from a cluster and then removes the cluster definition from the cluster configuration file. Also, removes regular files associated with the cluster and the cluster agent plug-ins that manage the cluster. The cluster must be Down to use drop cluster.


drop cluster


Example 1

Drops all instances from the current cluster and deletes the cluster.

drop cluster


drop instance


Removes an instance from the cluster configuration file and updates the Unified Agent Framework (UAF) and discovery services. Also, notifies the cluster that an instance is to be dropped, and removes the instance and interfaces file entries.


drop instance [ instance_name ]



identifies an instance in a cluster. If an instance name is not specified, sybcluster uses the default specified in the sybcluster command line.


Example 1

Removes the “ase3” instance from the current cluster.

drop instance ase3


drop xpserver


Drops the XP Server for each instance in the cluster.


drop xpserver


Example 1

Drops the XP Servers for “mycluster”.

drop xpserver
Are you sure you want to drop the XP Servers from cluster 
mycluster"? {Y or N): [N] y
The XP Servers have been dropped for all instances.


Use drop xpserver to drop an XP Server from the cluster.



Exits the sybcluster utility.






Lists the currently available sybcluster interactive commands.




The list of currently available interactive commands changes depending on whether or not sybcluster is connected to a cluster.



Displays the current values for default language, charset, and sort order. Allows modification of default values, and addition or removal of languages.




Example 1

This example displays default localization values, and then prompts for changes. The default language changes to Chinese, the default charset to eucgb, and the default sort order to bin_eucgb.

Current default locale properties are:
Default Language - portuguese
Default Charset - mac
Default SortOrder - Binary ordering, for use with the Macintosh charcter

Options for default Language are:
1. spanish
2. portuguese
3. german
4. us_english
5. thai
6. french
7. japanese
8. chinese
9. korean
10. polish
Enter the number representing the language to be set as defaults: [2] 8

Options for default charsets are:
1. gb18030
2. eucgb
3. uttf8
Enter the number representing the charset to be set as default: [1] 2

Options for sort orders are:

1. Binary ordering, for the EUC GB2312-80 character set (eucgb).
Enter the number representing the sort order to be set as default [1]

Do you want to install any language? [Y] n
Do you want to remove any language? [N ]
The cluster mycluster was successfully localized with default language
chinese, charset eucgb, sortorder bin_eucgb




Exits the sybcluster utility.




exit and quit both exit the sybcluster utility.

set backupserver


Changes the listening port number for Backup Server on specified nodes in a cluster.


set backupserver


Example 1

Changes the listening port number for Backup Server on “blade1” of “mycluster”.

set backupserver
Backup Server is configured on the following nodes:
    1. blade1: 3001
    2. blade2: 3002
    3. blade3: 3003
Do you want to change the Backup Server port on any node? {Y}
Enter the number representing the node whose port you want to change: 1
Enter the Backup Server port number for node "blade1":4001
Backup Server was successfully modified as per new properties.

Example 2

When “mycluster” has been configured for multiple Backup Servers, changes the listening port number for one or more Backup Servers.

set backupserver
Multiple Backup Servers are configured for the cluster. Their configuration is as follows:
Backup Server Policy: Dedicated
1. Backup Server name: ase1_BS
   Configured for blade1:23001
   Log file location: /remote/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/ase1_BS.log
2. Backup Server name: ase2_BS
   Configured for blade2:23002
   Log file location: /remote/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/ase2_BS.log
3. Backup Server name: ase3_BS
   Configured for blade3:23003
   Log file location: /remote/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/ase3_BS.log

Do you want to edit any Backup Server (y/n)? [Y]
Enter the number representing the Backup Server you want to edit: [1]
Enter the new port for Backup Server "ase1_BS":24001
Do you want to edit any more Backup Servers? [N]

Backup Server "ase1_BS" successfully updated.


When you set a new listening port number, Adaptive Server first checks to see if that port number is already in use.

set cluster


Changes configuration values for the cluster. The cluster must be down to execute all set cluster commands except set cluster login.


set cluster {
	maxinst max_num_instances |
	traceflags trace_flag[, trace_flag[,...]] |
	{ primary | secondary } protocol udp |
	login login_name [ password  password  ]	 }


maxinst max_instances

specifies the maximum number of instances that can run in the cluster.

traceflags trace_flag[, trace_flag[,...]

specifies trace flags to be set when the cluster starts.

login login_name [ password password ]

specifies a user name and password that the Unified Agent uses to log in to the cluster and perform shutdown and certain other tasks. This login must have sa_role. By default, the Unified Agent uses the “sa” login with no password. To change this password, use set cluster login. See the Clusters Users Guide.

Noteset cluster login can only be used to change the login or password that the Unified Agent uses to log in to the cluster. To change the login or password sybcluster uses to log in to the Unified Agent, use the Agent Management Console Sybase Central plug-in.

{ primary | secondary } protocol udp

sets the protocol for the private network for the primary or secondary interface.


Example 1

Changes the maximum number of instances to 4 for “mycluster”.

set cluster maxinst 4

Example 2

Adds the trace flag 15506.

set cluster traceflags 15506

Example 3

Changes the password for the “sa” user name.

set cluster login sa password abcde


To check that the cluster is Down, enter show cluster status.

set instance


Sets properties of the instance. The instance must be Down.


set instance instance_name logpath path
set instance instance_name startargs values
set instance instance_name {primary | secondary} port port_range
set instance instance_name {primary | secondary} address ip_address


logpath logfile_path

specifies the path for the instance log file.


specifies an instance.

startargs startup_args

specifies arguments for starting the instance.

{ primary | secondary } address ip_address

specifies the primary or secondary IP address for the instance.

{ primary | secondary } port port_range

specifies the primary or secondary port range for the instance. The format for port_range is : start_num end_num.


Example 1

Changes the port range for the primary interface listening port.

set instance primary port 7777


To check that the instance is Down, enter show cluster status.

set xpserver port


Changes the listening port number for XP Server on specified nodes of the cluster.


set xpserver port


Example 1

Changes the listening port for the XP Server for instance “ase1” on “blade1” of “mycluster” without changing the listening ports for “ase2” and “ase3”.

set xpserver port
Enter the XP Server port number for instance "ase1" [3002]: 4002
Enter the XP Server port number for instance "ase2" [3002]: <CR>
Enter the XP Server port number for instance "ase3" [3002]: <CR>


You can change the XP Server listening port number on one or more instances.

show agents


Displays information about available UAF agents.


Show agents
	[ login login_name ]
	[ password password ]
	[ agent “agent_spec[, agent_spec[,...]]” ]
	[ discovery “discovery_spec[, discovery_spec[,...]]” ]


login login_name

is the management agent login for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. The user name and password can be configured to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

password password

is the management agent password for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. The user name and password can be configured to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

agent agent_spec

is the agent specification that identifies the nodes in the cluster running a Unified Agent, and the port number that sybcluster uses to connect to the Unified Agent. The format is “node_name:port_number [, node_name:port_number ] [,...]]”. The default port number is “9999.”

discovery discovery_spec

is the discovery method used to identify the agents responsible for the requested cluster. The format is “method[(method_specification)] [, ( method_specification ) [,...]]”. See Table 8-1 for more information about discovery methods.


Example 1

Displays UAF agent information:

show agents
Agent Information: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://blade1:9985/agent

Node Name:       blade1
Agent Port:      9985
Agent Version:   2.5.0
Agent Build:     977

OS Name:         Linux
OS Version:      2.6.9-42.ELsmp
OS Architecture: amd64 

Agent Service Info: 

Agent Service (Agent)  Build: 977  Status: running 
BootstrapService (BootstrapService)  Build: <unavailable>  Status: running 
Configuration Service (ConfigService)  Build: 977  Status: running 
Deployment Service (DeploymentService)  Build: <unavailable>  Status: running 
Environment Service (EnvironmentDiscoveryService)  Build: 977  Status: running 
File Transfer Service (FileTransferService)  Build: 977  Status: running 
Plugin Registration Service (PluginRegisterService)  Build: 977  Status: running 
RMI Service (RMIService)  Build: 977  Status: running 
Remote Shell Service (RemoteShellService)  Build: 977  Status: running Security
Service (SecurityService)  Build: 977  Status: running Self Discovery Service 
(SelfDiscoveryService)  Build: 977  Status: running Service Registration Service 
(ServiceRegistrationService)  Build: 977  Status: running Session Service 
(SessionService)  Build: 977  Status: running Sybase Home Service (SybaseHomeService)  
Build: 14  Status: running 

Agent Plugin Info: 

ASE Cluster Agent Plugin (com.sybase.ase.cluster) Version: 15.1.0 Build: 85 Instance:
1  Status: running
    Cluster Name: marion 
    Env Shell:    /job1/miso/betaR1/ Shell Type: sh
    Sybase Home:  /job1/miso/betaR1
    ASE Home:    /job1/miso/betaR1/ASE-15_0
    ASE Version: Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.1/EBF 14721 Cluster
Edition/B/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asecluster3/2360/64-bit/FBO/Fri Jul 20 10:04:16 
    ASE Login:    sa
    Update Time:  60 seconds
    Last Update:  2007-09-28 22:09:02 -0700


show agents is active before you connect to a cluster.

show backupserver config


Displays the nodes on which Backup Server is configured, the associated listening port numbers, and the Backup Server policy.


show backupserver config


Example 1

Displays configuration information for “mycluster”, which has been configured for multiple Backup Servers.

show backupserver config
Multiple Backup Servers are configured for cluster. Their configuration is
as follows:
Backup Server policy: Dedicated
1. Backup Server for ase1: ase1_BS
   Configured on (host:port) - blade1:23001
2. Backup Server for ase2: ase2_BS
   Configured on (host:port) - blade2:23002

3. Backup Server for ase3: ase3_BS
   Configured on (host:port) - blade3:23003


show cluster


Displays configuration, log, and status information about the cluster.


	[MinSeverity severity_level]
	[StartDate [date_string]]
	[EndDate [date_string]]
	[Last number_of_lines]



displays status information for the cluster. Values are:

  • Up

  • Down

  • Undefined

  • Invalid

  • Start

  • Init

  • Quiesce


displays logs from all instances in the cluster.

errors [ minseverity severity_level ]

display log file entries for errors. Optionally, limit displayed error entries to a severity level and above.

NoteError severities_level is an attribute of Adaptive Server error messages, not sybcluster messages.

startdate [date_string ]

display log file entries that occur on and after the date specified. The format for date_string is: mm:dd:yy.

If you do not specify a startdate or enddate date_string, the default is the current date (today).

enddate [ date_string ]

display log file entries that occur on or before the date specified.

last num_lines

Limits the number of lines displayed, counting backward from the last line in the log files.


displays configuration information for the cluster:

  • Maximum number of instances

  • Installation mode: shared or private

  • Primary and secondary protocols

  • Trace flags set

  • Location and name of the quorum device

  • LDAP information, if LDAP is configured

  • Location and name of the master device


displays formatted configuration information for the cluster.


Example 1

Displays current configuration and other information about the default cluster.

show cluster status
Id   Name      Node    State   Heartbeat
1   ase1      blade1   Up      Yes
2   ase2      blade2   Up      Yes
3   ase3      blade3   Down    No

Example 2

Displays configuration information (including LDAP, if it is configured) for the default cluster configured for shared installation mode.

show cluster config

**Cluster configuration for "mycluster" **
    Installation Mode shared
    Interfaces Path "/work2/sybase/ASE-15_0/"
    Trace Flags:
    Maximum Instances "4"
    Quorum "/dev/raw/raw101"
    Master Device
    logfile ase1 /work2/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/
    run_parameters ase1 null
    logfile ase2 /work2/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/
    run_parameters ase2 null

Primary Interconnect "udp"
    Server[1]ase1 26016 26031
    Server[2]ase2 26032 26047
Secondary Interconnect "udp"
    Server[1]ase1 26081 26096
    Server[2]ase2 26097 26112

Example 3

Displays configuration information for the default cluster configured for private installation mode.

show cluster config

**Cluster configuration for "localcluster" **
    Installation Mode "private"
    Trace Flags:
    There are no trace flags
    Maximum Instances "4"
    Quorum "/dev/raw/raw101"
    Master Device "/dev/raw/raw102"
    logfile ase1 /remote/work2/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/ase1.log
    run_parameters ase1 null
    logfile ase2 /work2/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/ase2.log
    run_parameters ase2 null

Primary Interconnect "udp"
    Server[1]ase1 26016 26031
    Server[2]ase2 26032 26047
Secondary Interconnect "udp"
    Server[1]ase1 26081 26096
    Server[2]ase2 26097 26112
LDAP server blade1 2250


show cluster status displays the results of a show instance command on each instance in the cluster.

show instance


Displays information about an instance.


show instance [instance_name ] {
	 config |
	 status |
		[ [ errors ]  minseverity severity_level ] |
		[ startdate [ date_string ]] |
     		[enddate [ date_string ]] |
		[ last num_lines ] ] }



specifies a unique name for an instance in the cluster.


displays status information for the instance. Values are:

  • Up

  • Down

  • Undefined

  • Invalid

  • Start

  • Init

  • Quiesce


displays the instance log.

errors [ minseverity severity_level ]

displays log file entries for errors. Optionally, limit displayed error entries to a severity level and above.

NoteError severities_level is an attribute of Adaptive Server error messages, not sybcluster messages.

startdate [ date_string ]

displays log file entries that occur on and after the date specified. The format for date_string is: mm:dd:yy.

If a startdate or enddate date_string is not specified, date_string defaults to the current day.

enddate [ date_string ]

displays log file entries that occur on or before the date specified. The format is: mm:dd:yy.

last num_lines

Limits the number of lines displayed, counting backwards from the last line in the log file.


Example 1

Displays information about “ase1.”

show instance ase1 status

Id    Name    State
1     ase1    Down

Example 2

Displays configuration information for “ase1.”

show instance ase1 config

Instance: ase1 at blade6:25001

Private Primary Network
    Address: blade1
    Port Range: 2541 - 2556
    Sybase home: /sybase/sybase_sdc
    ASE home: /sybase/sybase_sdc/ASE-15_0
    Config file: /sybase/sybase_sdc/ase1.cfg

Private Secondary Network
    Address: blade1
    Port Range: 2557 - 2572

Log Path: /blade1/sybase/


show membership mode


Displays the cluster’s current membership mode. Membership mode specifies whether or not Veritas Cluster Integration is supported on the current cluster.


show membership mode


show session


Displays current discovery and agent information.


show session


Example 1

Displays agent status information.

show session
Session information

Sybase sybcluster Command Line Utility/15.0.1/CE GA 2/S/jdk1.4.2/sybclustermain/129/Mon Aug 13 09:59:51 PDT 2007Connected Cluster: myclusterDefault Cluster:
  Default Instance:

  Agent Specifications:
    [1]: oddjob:7171

  Discovery Specifications:

  Agent Connections: 1

     Connection[1] URL: rmi://oddjob:7171        Node Name:       oddjob1
        Agent Port:      7171
        Agent Version:   2.5.0
        Agent Build:     980
        OS Name:         Linux
        OS Version:      2.6.9-42.ELsmp
        OS Architecture: amd64

        Agent Service Info:
         Agent Service (Agent) Build:980 Status:running 
        BootstrapService (BootstrapService)  Build:
          <unavailable>  Status: running 
        Configuration Service (ConfigService)  Build:
          980  Status: running 
        Deployment Service (DeploymentService)  Build:
          19  Status: running 
        Environment Service(EnvironmentDiscoveryService)
          Build: 980  Status: running
        File Transfer Service (FileTransferService)
          Build: 980  Status: running 
        Plugin Registration Service
          (PluginRegisterService) Build:980 Status:
        RMI Service (RMIService)  Build: 980  Status:
        Remote Shell Service (RemoteShellService) Build:
          980  Status: running 
        Security Service (SecurityService)  Build: 980
          Status: running 
        Self Discovery Service (SelfDiscoveryService)
          Build: 980  Status: running
        Service Registration Service
          (ServiceRegistrationService)  Build: 980
          Status: running
        Session Service (SessionService)  Build: 980
          Status: running

        Sybase Home Service (SybaseHomeService)  Build:
          14  Status: running

        Agent Plugin Info:

        ASE Cluster Agent Plugin(com.sybase.ase.cluster)
          Version: 15.0.1 Build: 129 Instance: 1
          Status: running
        Cluster Name: mycluster 
        Env Shell: /oddjob1/work2/
          Shell Type: sh
        Sybase Home: /oddjob1/
        ASE Home: /oddjob1/work2/
        ASE Version:  Adaptive Server Enterprise/
          15.0.1/EBF 14721 Cluster Edition/B/x86_64/
          Enterprise Linux/asecluster3/2381/64-bit/
          FBO/Mon Nov 12 07:44:23 2007
        ASE Login:    sa
        Update time: 300 seconds
        Last Update:  2007-11-13 15:27:39 -0800


Use the sybcluster show session command to view information about the current cluster.

show xpserver


Displays the XP Server name and listening port number, node name, and instance name configured on each node.


show xpserver


Example 1

Displays the XP Server name, listening port number, node name, and instance name.

show xpserver config

**XP Server configuration for the cluster**
XPServer Name         Port      Host     Node
ase1_XP               4010      blade1   ase1
ase2_XP               4011      blade2   ase2
ase3_XP               4012      blade3   ase3


Use the sybcluster show xpserver command to view information about XP Server.

shutdown cluster


Shuts down the cluster by executing a Transact-SQL shutdown command for each instance in the cluster’s instance list, in the order specified in the cluster configuration file.


shutdown cluster [ nowait ]



shuts down the cluster immediately, without waiting for transactions or statements currently executing to conclude. By default, sybcluster waits for all transactions and statements to execute before shutting down the cluster.


Example 1

Shuts down the current cluster.

shutdown cluster 
INFO - ...
INFO - 01:00:00000:00117:2007/06/02 00:23:53.56 kernel ueshutdown: exiting
INFO - 01:00:00000:00117:2007/06/02 00:23:53.56 kernel SySAM: Checked in
license for 1 ASE_CORE (2007.1031/31-oct-2007/1293 6876 8FE7 E217).


shutdown instance


Shuts down the instance by executing a Transact-SQL shutdown command.


shutdown instance [ instance_name  ] [ nowait ] 



is the unique name of an instance in the cluster.


shuts down the instance immediately, without waiting for currently executing transactions or statements to finish.


Example 1

Shuts down the instance “ase1,” after waiting for currently executing transactions or statements to finish.

shutdown instance ase1
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel shutdown server ase1
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 Server SHUTDOWN by request.
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 ASE is terminating this process
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 shut down local cluster server.
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel coordinator to be shutdown, newcoo is 0.
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel Single server cluster.
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel cipcnode_down(): Node 1 down event.
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 server ASE shutdown by request.
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel ueshutdown: exiting
INFO - 01:00:00000:00113:2007/06/02 00:31:24/14 kernel SySAM: Checked in license for 1 ASE_CORE (2007.1031.31-oct-2007/1293 6876 8FE7 E 217).


start cluster


Starts all instances in the cluster.


start cluster 


Example 1

Starts the current cluster.

start cluster 
INFO - [cluster boot log]

INFO - 02:00:00000:00002:2007/06/02 00:21:53.56 server  'ase1' (ID=1).
INFO - 02:00:00000:00002:2007/06/02 00:21:53.56 server  Master device
80 megabytes, or 40960 virtual pages.


You must connect to the cluster before starting it.

start instance


Starts an instance.


start instance [ instance_name ] [ unlock ] 



specifies a unique name for an instance in the cluster. If you do not enter a cluster name, sybcluster uses the instance specified in the sybcluster command line or specified with the use command.


removes the lock from a cluster that has been terminated unexpectedly. The cluster must be Down before using unlock.

WARNING! Do not use the unlock parameter unless you have verified that all instances in the cluster are shutdown.


The instance must be Down to use start instance unlock.

upgrade server


Upgrades a non-clustered Adaptive Server to the Adaptive Server Cluster Edition, and creates a cluster with a single instance. You can perform the upgrade by answering prompts at the command line or via an input file.

You can upgrade from Adaptive Server version 12.5 and later to the Cluster Edition.


upgrade server server_name 
	[ login login_name ]
	[ password password ]
	[ agent agent_spec ]
	[ discovery discovery_spec ]
	[ file input_file_name ]
	[ checkonly ]



is the name of the non-clustered Adaptive Server.

login login_name

is the management agent login for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. The user name and password can be configured to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

password password

is the management agent password for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password; this is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. The user name and password can be configured to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including operating system logins.

agent agent_spec

is the agent specification that identifies the node in the cluster running a Unified Agent, and the port number that sybcluster uses to connect the Unified Agent. When upgrading a non-clustered Adaptive Server, there is only one node. The format for agent_spec is “node_name:port_number”. The default port number is “9999.”

discovery discovery_spec

is the discovery method used to identify the agents responsible for the requested cluster. The format is “method[(method_specification)] ”. See Table 8-1 for more information about discovery methods.

file file_name

is the input file containing values required for upgrading the server.


performs a check run of the non-clustered Adaptive Server to determine its readiness for upgrade.


Example 1

Upgrades “myserver” to the Cluster Edition:

upgrade server
Enter the name of the cluster: new_cluster
Enter the existing Sybase installation directory for server myserver:
Enter the name of the subdirectory containing the ASE installation for server myserver:
Enter the name of the subdirectory containing the OCS installation for server myserver:
Enter the name of an sa login on server exit: [sa]
Enter a password:
Cluster new_cluster - Enter the maximum number of instances: [4]
Verifying the supplied agent specifications...
   1>tigger 9999 2.5.0 Linux
Enter the number representing the cluster node 1 [1]
Will this cluster be configured using private SYBASE installations? (Y/N)

The information required to upgrade a server or create a cluster are the same. See “create cluster” or the installation guide for your platform.




Specifies the default instance.


use instance_name


use overrides the instance name specified in the sybcluster command line.