(UNIX only) Shows the Adaptive Servers and Backup Servers that are currently running on the local machine, available only in UNIX platforms.
The utility is located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install.
showserver USER PID %CPU %MEM SZ RSS TT STAT START TIME COMMAND user114276 0.0 1.7 712 1000 ? S Apr 5514:05 dataserver -d greensrv.dat -sgreensrv -einstall/greensrv+_errorlog sybase 1071 0.0 1.4 408 820 ? S Mar 28895:38 /usr/local/sybase/bin/dataserver -d/dev/rsd1f -e/install/errorlog user128493 0.0 0.0 3692 0 ? IW Apr 1 0:10 backupserver -SSYB_BACKUP -e/install/backup.log -Iinterfaces -Mbin/sybmultbuf -Lus_english -Jiso_1
showserver displays process information about Adaptive Server or Backup Server. If no servers are running, only the header appears.