(UNIX only) The executable form of the Adaptive Server program, located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin.
dataserver [-f] [-g] [-G] [-h] [-H] [-m] [-q] [-v] [-X] [-A system_role [-a path_to_CAPs_directive_file] [-b master_device_size [k | K | m | M | g | G | t | T] ] [-c config_file_for_server] [-d device_name] [-D default_db_size] [-e path_to_error_log] [-i interfaces_file_directory] [-K keytab_file] [-L config_file_name_for_connectivity] [-M shared_memory_repository_directory] [-N licinstant] [-n system_privileges [-p sa_login_name] [-r mirror_disk_name] [-s server_name] [-T trace_flag] [-u sa/sso_name] [-w master | model database] [-y [password] ] [-z page_size [ k | K ] ] [-Z initial_master_db_size]
Syntax for the Cluster Edition:
dataserver -u, --admin-name=sa/sso_name --buildquorum=[force] -a, --caps-file=filename -F, --cluster-input=filename --cluster-takeover -L, --conn-config-file=[filename] --create-cluster-id [=quorum] -D, --default-db-size=size_spec -e, --error-log=[filename] -G, --event-log-server=logserv_name -f, --forcebuild -H, --ha-server -h, --help=[{0|1|2|3}[,display_width]] --instance=instance_name -y, --key-password=[key_password] -K, --keytab-file=filename -N, --license-prop-file=filename -z, --logical-page-size=page_size -Z, --master-db-size=size_spec -d, --master-dev=master_device_name -b, --master-dev-size=[size_spec] --master_key_password [=password] -r, --master-mirror=filename -m, --masterrecover -g, --no-event-logging -n, --permission-login=system_privilege -Q, --quorum-dev=quorum_dev -q, --recover-quiesced -w, --rewrite-db=database_name -A, --role-logins=system_role -p, --sa-name={SSO_login_account | sso_role | sa_role} -k, --server-principal=s_principal -M, --shared-mem-dir=directory_name -X, --sybmon -T, --trace=trace_flag -v, --version
dataserver -v
If you include the password on the command line, it is visible until the memory is read and used.
Because Adaptive Server passwords are encrypted, you cannot recover forgotten passwords. If all system security officers lose their passwords, the -p parameter generates a new password for a system security officer account. Start Adaptive Server with -p, immediately log in to Adaptive Server with the new random password, and execute sp_password to reset your password to a more secure one.
If you do not specify an Adaptive Server name with the -s parameter, and you have not set the DSLISTEN environment variable, dataserver uses the default Adaptive Server name SYBASE. The value of the DSLISTEN environment variable overrides this default value, and the -s parameter overrides both the default and the DSLISTEN environment variable.
When you use the -w parameter, dataserver uses the ascii-8 character set instead of the iso_1 character set. If you require the iso_8 character set for master, load a dump of the master database or change the character set with sqlloc (sqlloc requires the sybsystemprocs database.)
A private key is included with your server’s digital certificate. By default, the certificate file located at /usr/local/sybase/certificates/<servername>.crt.
The location of the certificate file changes if you invoke the sp_ssladmin addcert command.
dataserver -d my_master_device -z 4k -b 100.02M
The spaces between options and their following arguments are optional and acceptable. This example specifies “100.02M” for a 100MB master device because the server requires 16K of overhead for its configuration area.
dataserver -d d_master -w model -s server_name
dataserver -d my_master_device -w master -z 4k
dataserver -d my_master_device -w master -z 4k -b 100.02M -f
dataserver -d my_master_device -w master -z 8k 00:00000:00000:2001/01/19 12:01:26.94 server The configured server page size does not match that specified on the command line. To use the configured size, omit the command line size; to use the command line size, specify 'force' (-f).
dataserver -d my_master_device -z4000 dataserver: the 'z' flag may not be used without 'b' or 'w'. dataserver: server will ignore the 'z' flag. dataserver: the 'z' flag contained an invalid page size. dataserver: the page size must be an even power of two between 2048 and 16384 bytes, inclusive.
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/dataserver -dmaster.dat -s secure_ase -k aseprincipal@myrealm.com
dataserver --master_key_passwd -dd_master -eerrorlog
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/dataserver -d master.dat -s server_name -A sso_role
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/dataserver -d master.dat -s server_name --role-logins sso_role
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/dataserver -d master.dat -s server_name -n "change password"
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/dataserver -d master.dat -s server_name --permission-logins "change password"
Anyone with execute permission on the binary, and who has read/write access to all the files.
After you have finished running the Adaptive Server installation program, set the file permissions on the dataserver executable to limit who can execute it.