Manages a Sybase shared-disk cluster. sybcluster lets you create, start, stop, and manage a cluster or any instance in a cluster.
sybcluster [ -C cluster_name ] [ -d discovery_list ] [ -F agent_connection ] [ -h ] [ -I instance_name ] [ -i input_file_path ] [ -L ] [ -m message_level ] [ -P [ password ]] [ -U user_name ] (the default value is “uafadmin”) [ -v ]
is the unique name of the Sybase shared-disk cluster to be managed. sybcluster looks up the name in the cluster directory or uses agent discovery services.
specifies the discovery services to be used to discover a shared-disk cluster agent and the discovery order. Discovery services supported for the Cluster Edition are listed in Table 8-1. The format is:
For example:
-d "udp(),jini(jinihost1;jinihost2)"
Discovery method |
Description |
UDP() |
Performs a UDP broadcast and listens for a response from listening Unified Agents. UDP discovery does not cross subnet boundaries. |
JINI(JINI_spec) |
Specifies the JINI servers used to look up the locations of nodes in the cluster. The specification form is: host-name[:port_num]. Indicate multiple JINI servers by placing a semicolon between each specification. By default, sybcluster uses port number 4160 to attach to a JINI server. The JINI server must be running, and the management agents (UAF) must be registered with the JINI server. The locations of the nodes, and status of the instances are stored on the JINI server. |
LDAP(LDAP_spec) |
Specifies an LDAP server that will be used to look up the locations of the nodes in the cluster. The specification form is: host_name[:port_num][?registry]. Indicate multiple LDAP servers by placing a semicolon between each specification. By default, sybcluster uses port number 389 to attach to an LDAP server and the LDAP directory at “cn=ua-registry,ou=ua,dc=sybase,dc=com”. |
specifies the agent to be used to access the cluster. The format is:
host_name[:port_num] [, host_name[:port_num ]]
For example:
-F "node1,node2,node3,node4:9999"
The default port number is 9999.
displays sybcluster syntax and lists supported interactive commands.
specifies the instance to be accessed. If you do not specify the -I option when you execute sybcluster, you may need to specify it when entering certain interactive commands. sybcluster uses this name to discover the remote host, and as a default when executing interactive commands. If an interactive command affects multiple instances, the instance identified by -I, if available, is used as the priority connection.
To override the instance specified by -I, execute the use command in interactive mode.
specifies an operating system file for input to sybcluster. This file contains sybcluster commands, one command per line. The final command in the file should be quit.
creates a sybcluster.log file. sybcluster writes all messages to this file irrespective of the message level set by the -m option.
specifies which sybcluster and unified agent messages are displayed on the client console. Message levels are:
0 – off (no messages to log file or console)
1 – fatal
2 – error
3 – warning
4 – information
5 – debug
sybcluster displays all messages of the level you choose and all messages of greater severity (with lower numbers). That is, if you select message level 3, sybcluster displays messages of level 3, 2, and 1. The default level is 4.
is the management agent password for the Sybase Common Security Infrastructure in the Unified Agent framework. The default user name after installation is “uafadmin” with no password. This is the Simple Login Module in the Agent configuration. The user and password can be configured to use several different mechanisms for authentication and authorization, including using the running instance and the operating system logins.
If you do not specify the -P option, sybcluster prompts for a password. For a blank or null password, use the -P option without a value or enter a set of quotation marks without content.
You can encrypt the password using the Sybase passencrypt utility. See the Clusters Users Guide.
is the management agent login name. The default login after installation is “uafadmin.” See the -P description for more information.
displays the sybcluster version number and other information.
Starts sybcluster using direct connect and default port numbers.
sybcluster -U uafadmin -P -C mycluster -F "blade1,blade2,blade3"
Starts sybcluster using direct connect and port numbers.
sybcluster -U uafadmin -P -C mycluster -F "blade1:9100,blade2:9292,blade3:9393"
You can also start sybcluster using discovery. See “Discovery methods”.
sybcluster -U uafadmin -P -C mycluster -d "JINI(myjiniserver:4564)"
The recommended method for starting sybcluster and connecting to a cluster is:
sybcluster -U login_name -P password -C cluster_name -F agent_spec
The -C cluster_name, -P password, -I instance_name, -F agent_connection, and -d discovery_list parameters are default values that can be changed using subsequent sybcluster interactive commands. If you do not specify these values on the sybcluster command line, sybcluster prompts for them as they are required.
You can also start sybcluster and then use the interactive connect command to connect to the cluster. For example:
sybcluster > connect to mycluster login uafadmin password " " agent "blade1,blade2,blade3"
See “sybcluster interactive commands” on
page 65 for syntax and usage descriptions of the sybcluster interactive