sybdiag is a Java-based tool that collects comprehensive Adaptive Server configuration and environment data. Sybase Technical Support uses this information to diagnose server issues, thus expediting customer cases.
You must run sybdiag on the same
machine as the monitored Adaptive Server.
sybdiag -U username [-P password] -S [server_name | host:port] [-I interfaces_file] [-L log_file] [-N num_threads] [-O output_directory] [-R resource_file] [-T feature_list] [-h] [-m message_level] [-v]
(optional) specifies the name of the interfaces file. If -I is specified, sybdiag uses the interfaces_file specified and displays an error if that file is not found. If -I is not specified, sybdiag first checks the LDAP server for the server entry, and if the entry is not found, sybdiag uses the default interfaces file in the directory specified by the SYBASE environment variable.
(optional) specifies the name of the log file that sybdiag creates. If log_file is not an absolute path, the log file is created in the directory where sybdiag is executed.
Whether you specify this parameter or not, sybdiag creates a default log file called sybdiag.log in the .zip output file.
(optional) specifies the maximum number of parallel threads that sybdiag executes in parallel. The default value is 5. Do not change the default value unless you cannot execute parallel collections.
(optional) specifies the name of a local directory in which to store sybdiag output. If not specified, sybdiag creates the output .zip file in the directory where the command was executed. The output file is named “sybdiag-<server name>-<datetime stamp>.zip”.
(optional) specifies the resource file that sybdiag uses on start-up. Use this option only at the direction of Sybase Technical Support.
specifies your Adaptive Server password. If you do not specify the -P flag, sybdiag prompts for a password. If your password is NULL, use the -P flag without any password.
server_name specifies the name of the Adaptive Server to which sybdiag connects. sybdiag looks for this name in the interfaces file or the LDAP directory.
If you specify -S with no argument, sybdiag looks for a server named SYBASE. If you do not specify -S, sybdiag looks for the server specified by your DSQUERY environment variable.
host:port specifies the machine name and the port number.
(optional) specifies the type of diagnostic data that sybdiag gathers, based on these feature_list values:
osdata – operating system data.
asecore – Adaptive Server configuration data.
aseadd – Adaptive Server monitoring data.
keyfile – information about Adaptive Server and operating system files.
All diagnostic data is collected if you do not specify -T. See “Viewing sybdiag output”.
specifies a case-sensitive login name.
(optional) displays all help options.
(optional) displays different levels of error messages depending on the value of message_level:
0 – no messages.
1 – fatal errors only.
2 – all errors.
3 – warnings and all errors.
4 – informational messages, warnings, and all errors.
5 – debug and informational messages, warnings, and all errors.
By default, the error message display level is set to 4.
(optional) displays version information.
Collects all Adaptive Server diagnostics from /work/ASEInstall/ASE-15_0/bin, and creates an output file called in the same directory:
sybdiag -Usa -P -Stestserver
For readability, some lines have been omitted from this
sample output.
Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Version" (ase_version) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Version" (ase_version). Collecting data for "Server License" (ase_license) ... Completed data collection for "Server License" (ase_license). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Configuration" (ase_cfg) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Configuration" (ase_cfg). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Non-default Configuration" (ase_nondefault_cfg) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Non-default Configuration" (ase_nondefault_cfg). ...Lines deleted... Collecting data for "Adaptive Server LDAP Configuration File" (ase_libtcl) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server LDAP Configuration File" (ase_libtcl). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server LDAP Configuration File (64bit)" (ase_libtcl64) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server LDAP Configuration File (64bit)" (ase_libtcl64). Collecting data for "Virtual Memory Statistics" (os_vmstat) ... Collecting data for "Adaptive Server General Performance Information" (ase_sysmon) ... Collecting data for "I/O Statistics" (os_iostat) ... Collecting data for "CPU Statistics" (os_mpstat) ... Completed data collection for "Virtual Memory Statistics" (os_vmstat). Completed data collection for "I/O Statistics" (os_iostat). Completed data collection for "CPU Statistics" (os_mpstat). Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server General Performance Information" (ase_sysmon). Data collection statistics: 43 task(s) succeeded, 0 task(s) skipped, and 0 task(s) failed. The collected data is stored as /work/ASEInstall/ASE-15_0/bin/ Data collection completed.
Collects basic Adaptive Server configuration data from /work/ASEInstall/ASE-15_0/bin, and creates an output file called in the same directory:
sybdiag -Usa -P -Ssmmdi:9966 -Tasecore
Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Version" (ase_version) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Version" (ase_version). Collecting data for "Server License" (ase_license) ... Completed data collection for "Server License" (ase_license). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Configuration" (ase_cfg) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Configuration" (ase_cfg). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Non-default Configuration" (ase_nondefault_cfg) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Non-default Configuration" (ase_nondefault_cfg). Collecting data for "Remote Server Configuration" (ase_remote_server)... Completed data collection for "Remote Server Configuration" (ase_remote_server). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Script Version" (ase_script_version) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Script Version" (ase_script_version). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Configuration Monitor" (ase_mon_cfg) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Configuration Monitor" (ase_mon_cfg). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Cache Configuration" (ase_cache_cfg) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Cache Configuration" (ase_cache_cfg). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Pool Configuration" (ase_pool_cfg) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Pool Configuration" (ase_pool_cfg). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Shared Memory Dump Configuration" (ase_shmdumpconfig) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Shared Memory Dump Configuration" (ase_shmdumpconfig). Collecting data for "Adaptive Server Traceflags and Switches" (ase_switches) ... Completed data collection for "Adaptive Server Traceflags and Switches" (ase_switches). Data collection statistics: 11 task(s) succeeded, 0 task(s) skipped, and 0 task(s) failed. The collected data is stored as /work/ASEInstall/ASE-15_0/bin/sybdiag Data collection completed.
sybdiag connects to an Adaptive Server and executes stored procedures such as sp_configure, and queries to tables like monLicense. It collects operating system and platform diagnostic information by executing commands such as ps, vmstat, and netstat.
The output of sybdiag is a compressed ZIP file containing HTML and data files that can be uncompressed and viewed in a Web browser. The information collected includes operating system and environment data, Adaptive Server configuration and monitoring data, and Adaptive Server files and scripts.
sybdiag does not collect Adaptive Server or operating system data for logins, passwords, or user lists, and does not collect information from application database tables.
To generate certain reports, you must enable corresponding configuration options using sp_configure, or by editing the server configuration file. If configuration options are set incorrectly, sybdiag skips the related reports.
Option |
Value |
sybdiag Reports |
enable monitoring |
1 |
Adaptive Server Wait Events Adaptive Server Locks Adaptive Server Deadlock History |
wait event timing |
1 |
Adaptive Server Wait Events |
deadlock pipe active |
1 |
Adaptive Server Deadlock History |
deadlock pipe max messages |
Nonzero value; must be large enough to capture all relevant deadlock rows |
Adaptive Server Deadlock History |
The sybdiag output is in a compressed file in this format: To generate individual output files, uncompress the zip file.The ZIP file contains these HTML, data, and log files:
sybdiag_start.html – an HTML file with links to diagnostic data files in the output directory. To view sybdiag output, open this file in any Web browser.
sybdiag displays information in these categories:
Operating system information, including process status, physical and virtual memory, interprocess communication, disk usage, I/O, and network information.
Adaptive Server configuration data, including server version, platform and license information, configuration values, remote server configuration data, and so on. For the Cluster Edition, this also includes the cluster overview, cluster instances, and logical cluster information.
Adaptive Server monitoring data about processes, databases, devices, locks, and so on. For the Cluster Edition, this also includes cluster interprocess communication protocol information, cluster lock usage, and cluster quorum device dump information.
Adaptive Server files such as errorlog, interfaces, configuration file, SySAM properties file, and environment configuration scripts. For the Cluster Edition, a single report may contain information from many external files for several cluster instances.
Diagnostic data files – collected Adaptive Server and environment information organized under different directories. These are the files that sybdiag_start.html accesses.
Log file – by default, the ZIP file includes a log file called sybdiag.log that provides a log of the activities sybdiag performed.
To gather all Adaptive Server data, you must have permission to access all datasources used by sybdiag. In a default Adaptive Server configuration, you must have sa_role and mon_role to collect Adaptive Server configuration and monitoring data. Use sp_role to grant sa_role and mon_role to the sybdiag user:
sp_role "grant", sa_role, sybdiag_user go sp_role "grant", mon_role, sybdiag_user go
You may need other permissions to access database objects if your system administrator has changed the default access restrictions. If you have insufficient permission to access certain database objects, you see an error message that lists the database objects that you cannot access.
To gather all environment data, you must have authorized access to operating system and device files.
On Linux, you must have read permission to access operating system
messages in /var/log/messages.
You must have read permissions on these files:
Adaptive Server error log
Adaptive Server configuration file
Environment scripts such as SYBASE.csh, or SYBASE.bat
You must have write permissions on an output directory specified by the -O parameter.
If you do not have the required permissions on a file, sybdiag displays
an error message does not process that file.