Using OpenXml to map hierarchic XML to SQL

The ForXmlTree function described in “Using ForXmlTree to map SQL data to hierarchic XML” maps a collection of SQL tables or result sets to a hierarchic XML document. The OpenXml function reverses this process, and extracts the data for a SQL table from an input XML document.

OpenXml is similar to the xmlextract function, introduced in Adaptive Server 12.5.1, which extracts a specified data value from a given XML document. xmlextract specifies an XML document and a single XPath query expression. It returns the result of applying the XPath query to the XML document.

The Java-based OpenXml function:

Thus, you can regard OpenXml as a two-dimensional xmlextract.

OpenXml performs either or both of these actions:

The following examples assume that the XML document in “Sample data and its tree-structured XML representation” is stored in example-document.xml.

Example 1

This example shows four client command line calls to extract the depts, emps, emp_phones, and projects tables from the XML document.

java jcs.xmlutil.OpenXml -i "file:example-document.xml" \
     -r "file:depts.opt" -o "depts.sql"

java jcs.xmlutil.OpenXml -i "file:example-document.xml" \
       -r "file:emps.opt" -o "emps.sql" 

java jcs.xmlutil.OpenXml -i "file:example-document.xml" \
       -r "file:emp-phones.opt" -o "emp-phones.sql"

java jcs.xmlutil.OpenXml -i "file:example-document.xml" \
       -r "file:projects.opt" -o "projects.sql" 

Example 2

This example shows the contents of the options that the command line calls in Example 1 reference. These options specify the data that the calls for OpenXml should extract, and the SQL table in which they should be stored.

-- Content of input file "depts.opt
  '   dept_id char( 4 ) "/@dept_id"
      dept_name varchar(50) "/@dept_name" ' 

-- Content of input options file "emps.opt"
  '   emp_id char( 4 ) "/emp_id/text()"
      emp_name varchar(50) "/emp_name/text()"
       dept_id char(4) "/../../@dept_id"
       salary dec(7,2) "/salary/text()" 

'-- Content of input options file "emp-phones.opt"
columns=  '   emp_id char( 4 ) "/../emp_id/text()"
       phone_no varchar(20) "/@phone_no" '

--Content of input options file "projects.opt"
  '   project_id char( 4 ) "/project_id/text()"
      dept_id char(4) "/../../@dept_id"
      budget dec(7,2) "/budget/text()" '

Example 3

This example shows the SQL script generated by the first OpenXml call. The script creates and populates a table with the extracted depts table data. Subsequent OpenXml calls, shown in Example 1, generate similar scripts for the emps, emp_phones, and projects data.

-- output file depts.sql

create table depts_ext
    (dept_id char( 4 ) null, dept_name varchar(50) null )

insert into depts_ext values('D123', 'Main')

insert into depts_ext values('D234', 'Auxiliary')

insert into depts_ext values('D345', 'Repair')