EAServer includes customized JDBC drivers for use by CMP entity beans to implement the performance optimizations described in “Just-in-time JDBC wrapper drivers”. Wrapper drivers are provided for Sybase and Oracle database drivers.
Sybase This driver is a wrapper around the Sybase jConnect driver. To use the driver, specify the following class names in the Data Source properties:
For JDBC Data Source Class, specify com.sybase.djc.sql.jit.SybaseDataSource3
For JDBC/XA Data Source Class, specify com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybXADataSource.
Other data source properties for this wrapper driver are the same as are used by com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver, plus those listed in Table 4-1.
Oracle This driver is a wrapper around the Oracle JDBC driver. To use the driver, specify the class name com.sybase.djc.sql.jit.OracleDriver as the driver in your data source. Data source properties for this wrapper driver are the same as are used by oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver, plus those listed in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1 lists the additional properties supported by the wrapper drivers. You can configure these properties on the Advanced tab in the Management Console Data Source Property pages, or by running <setProperties> in an Ant configuration script and setting them with nested <configProperty> commands.
Property |
Legal Values |
Default Value |
Description |
jit:printWarnings |
true/false |
true |
Enables all database warning messages received by wrapper driver to be printed in server log. |
jit:maximumBatchParameters |
0 or positive |
99 (subject to change) |
Maximum number of parameters in a batch. |
jit:maximumBatchStatements |
0 or positive |
8 (subject to change) |
Maximum number of statements in a batch. Any value less than 2 effectively disables batching. Larger values will give better performance as long as memory is available. Setting this too high may result in too many stored procedures being created, and the database server may run out of procedure cache. |