If you have an existing project you want to use or are upgrading an existing Agentry
Xcode project, you can manually create the project in Xcode and add the new Agentry Client
framework resources. This project is necessary to make use of the OpenUI SDK as well as to
rebrand the Agentry
Client for
- Install Xcode IDE version 4.6 on the Mac.
- Install SAP Mobile Platform SDK for Windows on a Windows machine
accessible by the Mac. The Agentry Toolkit folder contains the iOS framework
files, which you must manually copy to the Mac system. The framework files are
installed by default to
The project file is located in the directory
./Samples/SMPAgentryClientFrameworkSetup once you expand the
TGZ file.
- Expand the framework archive SMPAgentryClientFramework-iOS-7.0.x.x.tgz
into a directory on the system. In these instructions this base directory is
represented by the value <Framework_BaseDir>.
- Within Xcode, create a new project by selecting .
- In the Build Settings for the main target of the project, set the Framework Search Path to
- In the Build Settings for the main target of the project, set the Header Search Path to
- In the Build Settings for the main target of the project, set the Other Linker Flags to
-ObjC -framework -SMPAgentryClient.
- In the Build Phases section for the main target of the
project, add the following resources to the Link With Dynamic Libraries
- libc++.dylib
- libiconv.dylib
- libicucore.dylib
- libsqlite3.dylib
- libxml2.dylib
- AudioToolbox.framework
- AVFoundation.framework
- CFNetwork.framework
- CoreLocation.framework
- CoreMedia.framework
- CoreText.framework
- CoreVideo.framework
- QuartzCore.framework
- Security.framework
- CoreGraphics.framework
- Foundation.framework
- UIKit.framework
- In the Build Settings for the Xcode project set the Strip
Linked Product option to No.
- Add the resource bundle to the project by selecting the menu item and add the location:
- Modify the main.m file within the project by replacing the application and
app delegate class name for the return statement.
- New application class name:
- New app delegate class name:
- New return statement: return UIApplicationMain(argc,
- After building and launching the project, run the standard Agentry
Client in either the
simulator or on the client device.
You now have an Xcode project using the resources provided in the Agentry
Client framework for
You can begin developing custom controls using the OpenUI
SDK and/or rebranding the Agentry
Client for
iOS devices by modifying the resource bundle.