Agentry OpenUI SDK for iOS Setup Overview

The Agentry OpenUI for iOS clients is the Agentry Client framework for iOS devices, and uses the native Objective C programming language. It is provided as a single TGZ file, and can be used to create a development project within the Xcode IDE on Mac systems. This framework also includes a sample project with basic overrides of each detail screen field edit type provided as examples.

When creating the project within Xcode, you have two options.

Framework Contents

The resources for the OpenUI SDK are provided in the Agentry Client framework, which is found in the file SMPAgentryClientFramework-iOS-7.0.x.x.tgz. This library and the resources it contains includes all functionality of the Agentry Client for iOS and includes the OpenUI SDK to allow for the detail screen fields to be overridden with custom controls; as well as exposing the necessary resources to rebrand the Agentry Client. Due to limitations with Appleā€™s current support of dynamic frameworks, this framework is intended to be statically linked to the application.

To support testing on both iOS devices and within the simulator, the framework standard library is provided with slices for instruction set architectures armv7, armv7s, and i386.

The framework contains the following directory structure after it has been expanded:
		(Headers needed for adapters and models of SMPOpenUI)
		SMPAgentryClientResources.bundle (Image, sound, and other resources)
		SMPAgentryClient (The static library containing the iOS Agentry Client code)
		./OpenUI-app.agx (Agentry application project corresponding to the XCode demo project in the Samples directory)
		./OpenUIPlayersDB.txt (Sample data in SQL script for back end DB)