The Middleware User Management panel is used to create
and manage mobile client user IDs. These IDs are layered on top
of the user’s SAP user
A user must have an SAP user
ID before being able to access any mobile applications. A user must
also have a separate user GUID for each mobile application they
access. In this way, the system can track and calculate exchange
episodes for each application a user accesses while keeping the
exchanges separated by mobile application.
Administration - Middleware User Management![](../image/AdminPortal_UserManagement.jpg)
Basic Search Parameters
Use this field
to search for users on a specific mobile application, or refine
the search even further by the user ID or last activity time. Once
specific user(s) are found, their information can be changed if necessary.
- Mobile Application: Name of the mobile application. Use
the drop-down menu to choose the correct mobile application. This
is a required field to enable the Search function.
- User: SAP user
- Last Activity Time: Use the drop-down menu to select
a window of time. The default is set to All, which is equal to selecting
no specific time period.
- Search: Click the Search button once after you
have entered all required and additional search parameters. If the
search returns results, they are displayed in the Search Result
section. If the search parameters are not fulfilled, a message stating
“No data found” displays in the Search Result section.
Search Result
When you click the Search button
in the Basic Search Parameters section, the Search Result table
is populated. You can also create a new user in this section using
the Create button. In this case, it is not necessary to search
for an existing user.
- View: If the administrator
sets up different views using the Settings link, the drop-down menu
will display those view names. Select a different view for specific
data needs.
- Print Version: If enabled, creates a PDF version of the
data in the Search Results table.
- Export to Microsoft Excel: Exports all data in the Search
Results table to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Filter/Delete Filter: If the Filter tab is utilized in
the Settings window accessed by the Settings link, click the Filter
link to display filter choices in order to further filter the data
displayed. If a filter is in use, click Delete Filter to remove
the filter and display all data returned by the initial search performed.
- Settings: Click this link to display a Settings panel
in order to modify how search results are displayed. See the section
on changing Administrator settings for more details.
- Search Result Table: Table that displays the search results.
Columns are dependent on the configuration built through the Settings
link above the table. See the section Administration Portal -
Management Settings for details on specific settings.
Mobile User Detail - Basic Info
When a
user is selected in the Search Results table, the fields are populated
in the Basic Info section. Click Change to modify editable
fields. Click Create in the Search Result section to create
a new user through the editable fields. Fields with a red asterisk
beside them are mandatory.
- Mobile Application: Name
of the mobile application chosen in the Basic Search Parameters section
- User GUID: User GUID for the specific mobile application
chosen. Each user has a different GUID for each mobile application
assigned in SAP.
- User Name: User ID chosen from the table in the Search
Result section
- SAP Personnel Number: User ID number assigned to the
user in SAP
- Middleware License Number: Server serial number of the
middleware server that is running the chosen mobile application
- Device ID: If a user is assigned to a mobile device connected
to the chosen application and the mobile device has an ID, the field
is populated.
- Device User ID: User ID assigned to the mobile device
- Group ID: Allows you to define additional information
about a user, such as a crew number or team name. This is a free-text
- Email Address: Email address of the user. Email are sent
through the Push Scenario Definition panel in the Configuration
portal. Email are also used in the User Monitor panel under Monitoring in
the Administration portal.
- HTTP Address: Web address or site links that users can
access, such as a Twitter feed
- Default Address Type: Select either Email Address or
HTTP Address from the drop-down menu for the default email sending
- Source System: Originating SAP system
of the user ID. This is useful in multi-backend systems.
- Lock Flag: If checked, user is unable to access the mobile
application from the mobile device. This is used if a mobile device
is lost or stolen and the application data must be made inaccessible.
Mobile User Detail - Cross Reference List
Cross Reference list is used in systems that contain multi-back
ends. When a user is created or modified, that user’s information
will need to be replicated across the systems. This detail view
provides statistics and information for each user on a multi-back
end system.
Mobile User Detail - Cross Reference List![](../image/AdminPortal_UserManagementCrossReference.jpg)
- System
Component: System where the user ID resides
- Reference User GUID: SAP user
- Sync Required: If box is checked, synchronization is
- Last Sync Time: Time and date of last synchronization
- Sync Status: Descriptive text detailing the synchronization
- Created By: SAP ID
of the user who created the new user ID
- Creation Time Stamp: Time and date of the
- Last Changed By: SAP ID
of the user who made the change
- Changed Time Stamp: Time and date of last change
Mobile User Detail - Client Registration Info
Client Registration Info tab is used for RIM products only.
Mobile User Detail - Client Registration Info![](../image/AdminPortal_UserManagementClientRegistration.jpg)