User class

This class represents an Agentry client user.


public class User extends AgentryJavaBackEndManagedObject


All members of User, including inherited members.

Modifier and Type Variable Description
protected String _name User name.
Modifier and Type Constructor Description
public User(String) This is the constructor method for objects of type User.
Modifier and Type Method Description
public final GregorianCalendar backendTimeAndDate() Deprecated. This method has been renamed to getSystemConnectionTime(). This method has been renamed to getSystemConnectionTime().
public void beginChangePassword() This is the first method called when a user is attempting to change their password.
public ChangePasswordResult changePassword(String, String) This method is called when a user is attempting to change their password.
public void changePasswordFailed(StringBuffer) This method is called when the changePassword(String, String) method returns any value other than ChangePassword_Success or ChangePassword_NotHandled.
public void changePasswordSessionAborted() This method is called if the password change operation is aborted for any reason.
public final void debug(String) Writes a debugging message to the user's log file on the Agentry server.
public void endChangePassword() This method is called when the user's password has been successfully changed.
public String getName() Returns the user's name.
public GregorianCalendar getSystemConnectionTime() This is called by the Agentry server to find out what time the Java system connection thinks it is right now.
public final void getTimeZone(StringBuffer) Deprecated. This method has been moved to Server#getTimeZone(). This method is no longer supported.
public void loggedIn() This method is called after a user has been successfully logged in.
public void loggedOut() This method is called after the transmission has been completed and after the user is logged out of the system.
public void reLoggedIn() This method is called when a user logs into the Agentry Server and the server still has a previous login session for that user.
public void revalidate(String) This method authenticates a client user against the Java System Connection.
public void timedOut() This method is called in the event a user session times out.
public void update(GregorianCalendar) This method is called periodically (once every second or so) by the Agentry Server.


This class is created by the Server#createUser(String) factory method. It contains methods for notifying the application of successful login, logout, and other events. It also contains methods which can be overridden to allow Agentry to change a user's password on a remote system.

Applications can extend this class to implement their own behavior; however, if you do so you must also override the Server#createUser(String) factory method to return the new subclass. You must then change the serverClass setting in the Agentry.ini configuration file to tell the Agentry Java system connection to use your new Server subclass.