com.syclo.agentry package
- utility package
- AgentryException class
Base class for checked exceptions that can be thrown from various methods in the AJAPI.
- BusinessLogicException class
This exception represents an error condition that should be reported to the client.
- ComplexTableSession class
The ComplexTableSession class encapsulates the processing involved in a complex table synchronization within an Agentry-based application.
- ComplexTable< CTOBJ > class
The ComplexTable class encapsulates the data retrieval for a complex table within an Agentry-based application.
- DataTableObject class
This class represents a single row in an Agentry data table, which consists of a key/value pair.
- DataTableSession class
The DataTableSession class encapsulates the processing involved in a data table retrieval within an Agentry-based application.
- DataTable< DTOBJ extends DataTableObject > class
The DataTable class in the AJAPI encapsulates the synchronization of a data table.
- FatalTransactionException class
This exception can be thrown from a transactional Steplet to indicate that the transaction failed in a way that cannot be corrected or recovered from.
- FatalTransactionExceptionStop class
This exception can be thrown from a transactional Steplet to indicate that the transaction failed in a way that cannot be corrected or recovered from.
- FetchSession class
The FetchSession class encapsulates the processing involved in a fetch.
- LoginBlockedException class
This exception is thrown from the login methods of the Server class to indicate that the user has been blocked from accessing this system connection.
- LoginException class
This is the base class for all login/authentication exceptions.
- LoginSkippedException class
This exception can be thrown from the login methods of the Server class to indicate that the system connection is not authenticating the user at all, and that some other system connection must be relied upon to perform the authentication.
- PasswordExpiredCannotChangeException class
This exception can be thrown from the login methods of the Server class to indicate that the user's password has expired, and that this system connection does not support changing it.
- PasswordExpiredException class
This exception can be thrown from the login methods of the Server class to indicate that the user's password has expired and must be changed before the client's transmission will be allowed to proceed.
- PasswordInvalidException class
This exception can be thrown from the various login methods of the Server class to indicate that the user's password was wrong.
- PasswordWarningCannotChangeException class
This exception can be thrown from the login methods of the Server class to indicate that the user's password is going to expire soon, and that this system connection does not support changing it.
- PasswordWarningException class
This exception can be thrown from the login methods of the Server class to indicate that the user's password is going to expire soon.
- PushSession class
The PushSession class encapsulates the user-independent part of the processing involved in a push within an Agentry-based application.
- PushUserSession class
The PushSession class encapsulates the user-independent part of the processing involved in a push within an Agentry-based application.
- RetryTransactionException class
This exception can be thrown from a transactional Steplet to indicate that the transaction failed temporarily, and that it should be retried by the client.
- RetryTransactionWithChangeException class
This exception can be thrown from a transactional Steplet to indicate that the transaction failed in a correctable manner, and that it should be retried by the client after prompting the user to make changes to the transaction.
- Server class
The Server Java class is intended to encapsulate the Java system connection within the Agentry Server.
- ServiceEvent class
This class implements a Java Callback Service Event in Agentry.
- ServiceEventSession class
The ServiceEventSession class encapsulates the processing involved in a service event.
- Session class
This is the base class for the various session types in Agentry.
- Steplet class
The Steplet class within the AJAPI encapsulates the data synchronization for a step application component.
- StepletAbortException class
This exception can be thrown from a Steplet object to abort processing of that steplet and any subsequent steplets in the session.
- StepletStopException class
This exception can be thrown from a Steplet object to stop the processing of the currently executing step and signal to the Agentry Server that any transaction-based work completed thus far should be committed.
- SycloCalendar class
This class extends GregorianCalendar with methods for detecting Agentry's "invalid date" value.
- TransactionSession class
The TransactionSession class encapsulates the processing related to transactions.
- User class
This class represents an Agentry client user.
- SessionData interface
The SessionData interface is used throughout the AJAPI classes.