The adapter framework provides numerous formatter modules that come standard with Event Stream Processor. You can re-use these modules to create a custom adapter instance.
The Input Datatype column specifies the format of the incoming data, while the Output Datatype column specifies the format that the formatter translates this incoming data into.
AdapterRow is a container for one or more records or rows as they flow from one module (transporter, formatter, or ESP connector) to the next. You can add multiple records as objects within a List of a single AdapterRow object. The AdapterRow has a timestamp and block flags that control how its records are communicated to and from Event Stream Processor. See Envelopes and Transactions for additional details.
AepRecord is the class that represents stream records. This is the type that the ESP publisher expects as the data member in the AdapterRow instances that it receives from the previous module. This is also the type used in the AdapterRow instances that the ESP subscriber passes on to the next module.
Name | Input Datatype | Mode (Streaming/Row) | Output Datatype | Description |
CSV to ESP Formatter | Java.lang.String | Row | AepRecord |
Translates CSV string data to AepRecord objects. |
ESP to CSV Formatter | AepRecord | Row | Java.lang.String |
Translates AepRecord objects to CSV string data. |
ESP to JSON Formatter | AepRecord | Row | Java.lang.String |
Translates AepRecord objects to JSON string data. |
ESP to Object List Formatter | AepRecord | Row | Java.util.List<Java.lang.Object> |
Converts AepRecord objects to Java object list. |
ESP to String List Formatter | AepRecord | Row | Java.util.List<Java.lang.String> |
Converts AepRecord objects to string list. |
ESP to XML String Formatter | AepRecord | Row | Java.lang.String |
Translates AepRecord objects to ESP XML string. |
ESP to XMLDoc String Formatter | AepRecord | Row | String |
Translates AepRecord objects to XML format string according to the schema file configured in the adapter configuration file. |
JSON String to ESP Formatter | Java.lang.String | Row | AepRecord | Translates JSON string to AepRecord objects. |
JSON Stream to JSON String Formatter | InputStream | Streaming | Java.lang.String |
Splits ByteStream data into standaloneĀ JSON message string data. |
Object List to ESP Formatter | Java.util.List<Java.lang.Object> | Row | AepRecord |
Converts Java object list to AepRecord objects. |
Stream to String Formatter | InputStream | Streaming | Java.lang.String |
Splits ByteStream data into strings according to the value specified in the delimiter property. |
String to Stream Formatter | Java.lang.String | Streaming | OutputStream |
Merges strings into ByteStream data. |
String List to ESP Formatter | Java.util.List<Java.lang.String> | Row | AepRecord |
Converts string list to AepRecord objects. |
XML String to ESP Formatter | Java.lang.String | Row | AepRecord |
Translates ESP XML strings to AepRecord objects. |
XMLDoc Stream to ESP Formatter | InputStream | Streaming | AepRecord |
Parses XML strings, extracts data according to the schema file configured in the adapter configuration file, and translates the data to AepRecord objects. |