XMLDOC Stream to ESP Formatter Module Parameters

The XMLDOC Stream to ESP formatter parses XML format strings, extracts data according to the schema file specified in the adapter configuration file, and translates this data to AepRecord objects. Set values for this formatter in the adapter configuration file.

This formatter is streaming based and can connect two streaming based transporters rather than row based transporters.
Parameter Description

Type: string

(Required) Specify a pattern to determine which XML elements in the XML doc are processed by the formatter. The matched elements are mapped to ESP rows whose attributes and child elements are mapped as columns of an ESP row. The adapter ignores any XML elements that do not match this pattern.

This pattern is a subset of the XPath expressions. The [/]?NCName[/NCName]* path expression is the only supported expression, where NCName (Non-Colonized Name) is the local name element without a prefix or namespace.

If the elements in the path expression include a namespace URI (prefix), they belong to the same namespace. Provide the namespace in the XmlElemNamespace parameter. Here are some examples of valid path expressions:

  • /RootElement
  • ParentElement
  • ParentElement/ChildElement
  • /RootElement/ParentElement

Type: string

(Required) Specify the namespace URI for elements that appear in the pattern path expression.


(Required) Section containing the Column parameter.


Type: string

(Required) Specify which attributes or child elements of the XML elements, which are matched by pattern path expression, to map to columns of the ESP row. For example, [<Column>XPath expression</Column>]+.

The XPath expression is any valid XPath expression specified by an XPath specification. The XPath expression can only begin from the last XML element that appears in the path pattern expression or its decedent elements.

The first <Column/> is mapped to the first column of the ESP row, the second <Column/> is mapped to the second column of the ESP row, and so on.


Type: string

(Optional) The format string for parsing date values. For example, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.


Type: string

(Optional) Format string for parsing timestamp values. For example, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS.