Creating an Application ID and Whitelisting the Application Endpoint

Create a new application using SAP Control Center

  1. In the left navigation pane of SAP Control Center, click the Applications node and select the Applications tab in the right administration pane.
  2. Click New....
  3. In the Application Creation dialog box, enter the required information:
    • Application ID - smp.tutorial.iOS
    • Display name - iOS application
    • Description - Application ID for SMP sample flight management application
    • Select Security configuration - SSO
    • Select Domain - default
  4. Enable Configure additional settings checkbox.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Under Application connection template, select Proxy from the list.
  7. Enter the Application Endpoint as
  8. Click Finish to register the application with the configured settings.
    With the end of this procedure you have created the application ID and proxy connection (whitelisting of authentication endpoint URL).