Login to SAP Control Center Forces Ending Existing Session

Problem: If you login to SAP Control Center when there already is a session running using the same login, you are forced to end the pre-existing session before proceeding.

Explanation: SAP Control Center allows only one session at a time for each administrative user.

SAP Control Center remembers the UI layout of each user’s screen so that the next time you login your screen layout is the same as you last left it. If SAP Control Center allowed multiple concurrent sessions from the same user, the screen layout information could become corrupted.

  • Recommended: Configure the "admin" security configuration to integrate with your company identity management systems so that SAP Mobile Platform administrators can login to SAP Control Center using their own accounts.
  • Development Environment Only: For a development environment, you can add PreconfiguredUserLoginModules for each of the administrators to the "admin" security configuration. Make sure to set the "SUP Adminstrator" or "SUP Domain Administrator" role in each PreConfiguredUserLoginModule.

    Note: It is never recommended to use the PreconfiguredUserLoginModule in a production installation of SAP Mobile Platform.