SUPConfiguration API Changes

API changes for the SUPConfiguration interface, used to manage the SAP Mobile Platform configuration.

New SUPConfiguration Methods
Methods Description
  • updateJVMStartupConfiguration
  • getJVMStartupConfiguration
Manage Java Virtual Machine start-up configuration
  • getContext
  • commitClusterConfiguration
  • refreshClusterConfiguration
Manage the cluster configuration
  • getManagementConfiguration
  • updateManagementConfiguration
Manage management configurations
  • enableOCSPConfiguration
  • getOCSPConfiguration
  • updateOCSPConfiguration
Manage the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) configuration
  • getPerformanceConfiguration
  • updatePerformanceConfiguration
Manage the performance configuration
  • getConfigurationCache
  • updateConfigurationCache
  • commitConfigurationCache
  • refreshConfigurationCache
Manage the cache configuration
  • getConfigurationPushCache
  • updateConfigurationPushCache
  • commitConfigurationPushCache
  • refreshConfigurationPushCache
Manage push configuration information
  • getReplicationConfiguration()
  • updateReplicationConfiguration()
Manage replication configuration
  • getMessagingConfiguration()
  • updateMessagingConfiguration()
Manage messaging configuration
  • getSolutionManagerConfiguration()
  • updateSolutionManagerConfiguration()
Manage the Solution Manager configuration
  • getDCNConfiguration()
  • updateDCNConfiguration()
Manage data change notification (DCN) configuration
  • getWebContainerCommonConfiguration
  • updateWebContainerCommonConfiguration
  • commitWebContainerConfiguration
  • refreshWebContainerConfiguration
Manage the Hybrid Web Container configuration
  • getHTTPListenerConfigurations
  • addHTTPListenerConfiguration
  • deleteHTTPListenerConfiguration
  • updateHTTPListenerConfiguration
Manage HTTP listener configurations
  • getSSLSecurityProfileConfigurations()
  • addSSLSecurityProfileConfiguration()
  • deleteSSLSecurityProfileConfiguration()
  • updateSSLSecurityProfileConfiguration()
Manage the SSL security profile configuration
  • getKeyStoreConfiguration
Manage the keystore configuration
  • getTrustStoreConfiguration
Manage the truststore configuration
  • refresh
  • commit
Manage the server configurations locally
  • getODataClientConfiguration()
  • updateODataClientConfiguration()
Manage registration for OData client applications
New SUPConfiguration Properties
Property Description
sup.sync.e2ee.alias The E2E encryption certificate alias.
sup.sync.certificate.alias The secure sync port certificate alias.
relayserver.trusted_certs.alias The trusted relay server certificate alias.
sup.sync.mutualhttpsport The mutual secure port.
sup.sync.mutualhttps The mutual secure port settings.

The valid values for property sup.sync.protocol are "http","https", "http,https" or "https,http".

The valid values for sup.sync.mutualhttps are "0","1","2".

If sup.sync.protocol contains "http" protocol, sup.sync.port is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.

If sup.sync.protocol contains "https" protocol and sup.sync.mutualhttps is 0 or 2, sup.sync.httpsport is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.

If sup.sync.protocol contains "https" protocol and sup.sync.mutualhttps is 1 or 2, sup.sync.mutualhttpsport is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.

To enable sup.sync.port, make sup.sync.protocol contain "http", otherwise disable sup.sync.port.

To enable sup.sync.httpsport or sup.sync.mutualhttpsport, make sup.sync.protocol contain "https", and set sup.sync.mutualhttps as 0 to only enable sup.sync.httpsport; set sup.sync.mutualhttps as 1 to only enable sup.sync.mutualhttpsport; set sup.sync.mutualhttps as 2 to enable both sup.sync.httpsport and sup.sync.mutualhttps.

async.operation.replay.queue.count Controls whether asynchronous operation replays are enabled for all cluster packages.

Documented in: Developer Guide: SAP Mobile Server Runtime, see Managing Certificates

Deprecated SUPConfiguration Methods
Method Description
getKeyStoreConfiguration Get the key store configuration.
getTrustStoreConfiguration Get the trust store configuration.
updateKeyStoreConfiguration Update the key store configuration.
updateTrustStoreConfiguration Update the trust store configuration.
Deprecated SUPConfiguration Properties
Property Description
sup.sync.e2ee_public_key The public key for E2E encryption.
sup.sync.e2ee_private_key The encryption certificate for E2E encryption.
sup.sync.e2ee_private_key_password The encryption certificate password for E2E encryption.
sup.sync.public.certificate The secure sync port public certificate.
sup.sync.certificate The secure sync port certificate.
sup.sync.certificate_password The secure sync port certificate password.
relayserver.trusted_certs The trusted relay server certificate.

Documented in: Developer Guide: SAP Mobile Server Runtime, see Managing Clusters

Related reference
SUPCluster API Changes
SUPServerConfiguration API Changes
SUPServer API Changes
SUPRelayServer API Changes
SUPDomain API Changes
SUPMobileWorkflow API Changes
SUPMobileHybridApp API Changes
SUPApplication API Changes
SUPSecurityConfiguration API Changes