SUPCluster API Changes

API changes for the SUPCluster interface, used to manage the cluster to which the SAP Mobile Server instance belongs.

New SUPCluster Methods
Methods Description
  • getInstalledPatches
  • getMissedPatches
  • exportProductInformation
  • getInstalledHistory
Manage product patch information
  • getHttpProxySetting
  • updateHttpProxySetting
Manage HTTP proxy settings
  • getServerLogSetting()
  • updateServerLogSetting()
Manage the SAP Mobile Server logs
  • getBESResponsePortioningLimit
  • setBESResponsePortioningLimit
Manage the response portioning limit
  • isHttpLogEnable()
  • setHttpLogEnable
  • getMaxHttpLogFileSize()
  • setMaxHttpLogFileSize
  • getHttpLogFileName()
  • setHttpLogFileName
  • isSeparateHttpLogFile()
  • setSeparateHttpLogFile
  • isReuseHttpLogFile()
  • setReuseHttpLogFile
  • getHttpLogArchiveFileName()
  • setHttpLogArchiveFileName
  • isArchiveHttpLog()
  • setArchiveHttpLog
  • isCompressHttpLogArchive()
  • setCompressHttpLogArchive
Manage the HTTP log settings
  • getKeyStoreCertificates
  • importTrustCertificate
  • importPKCS12CertAndKey
  • exportTrustCertificate
  • exportPKCS12CertAndKey
  • deleteCertificate
Manage certificates in the key store
  • getSupportedCiphers
  • getEnabledCiphers
  • setEnabledCiphers
Manage ciphers supported by the security profile
Deprecated SUPCluster Properties
Property Description
sup.admin.maxThreads The maximum number of concurrent threads for the management port.
sup.admin.iiops.maxThreads The maximum number of concurrent threads for the secure management port.

Documented in: Developer Guide: SAP Mobile Server Runtime, see Managing Clusters

Related reference
SUPConfiguration API Changes
SUPServerConfiguration API Changes
SUPServer API Changes
SUPRelayServer API Changes
SUPDomain API Changes
SUPMobileWorkflow API Changes
SUPMobileHybridApp API Changes
SUPApplication API Changes
SUPSecurityConfiguration API Changes