Override File Format: Strings.properties

Shown here is an example of the contents of the strings.properties file. This example is followed by a description of the format.

java.text.creatingSession=%s - Creating session to host %s for user %s... java.text.inventoryItemNotFound=Item number %s not found in storeroom %s in site %s. java.text.noAppSecurity=%s does not have security rights in site %s to app %s.

The values here are those that override strings returned from the Java back end. The keys for all items begin with java.text. That is followed by the message name and an equals sign. To the right of the equals sign, =, is the message text that will be displayed. The message text may contain variables which begin with a percent sign, %. All message text, except for variables, should be translated to the required language.

java.text.creatingSession=%s - Creating session to host %s for user %s...

In the example above, the %s variable appears three times in the message text and must not be modified. The text “Creating session to host” and “for user” may be localized.