Override File Format: ClientText.ini

Shown here is an example of the contents of the ClientText.ini and ClientTextBase.ini files. This example is followed by a description of the format.

AG3_ABOUT_MENU=&About %1...
AG3_ABOUT_NAME=Agentry Client
AG3_ABOUT_PVERSION=Published As: v

In the above example, the first line is the section name, [Strings], the only section in this file. The ClientText and ClientTextBase.ini files will be the same for all applications deployed on the same version of Agentry and for a given language. The values here are those that override built-in components of the Agentry Client and are not specific to an application.

In the above example, the items within the section are those that pertain to the About dialog displayed when the user clicks the Help | About menu item on the Client. The keys for all items begin with AG3_[text]. That is followed by additional text identifying the item to which the keys pertain.

The general naming convention of the keys is:

CATEGORY is the general resource, such as a built-in screen, or definition type, such as items related to actions, to which the key pertains. The COMPONENT is one or more words describing the specific component of the resource identified by the CATEGORY. So, in the above examples, ABOUT refers to the About built-in screen, and NAME refers to the name value displayed in the About screen.

The values are the built-in display values or resources used by the Client. Changing the value overrides the item displayed on the Client. As an example, the AG3_ABOUT_NAME item has a value of Agentry Client, which is displayed in the About screen. This can be overridden to contain a different value, for application branding purposes, for example.