Deploys a DOE-C package to SAP Mobile Server.
You must use the deploy command in the DOE-C Command Line Utility to deploy a DOE-C package. This is the only DOE-C Command Line Utility command that is not available in the SAP Control Center.
In an SAP Mobile Platform cluster, deploy the package to the primary SAP Mobile Server node – SAP Mobile Platform automatically replicates the package to the other nodes.
To provide failover and load balancing in an SAP Mobile Platform cluster, specify the URL of a load balancer that is capable of routing to all the SAP Mobile Server nodes in the cluster.
You must specify the URL of a load balancer by setting the listener.url property in the META-INF\sup-db.xml file, where the ESDMA bundle was unzipped. See Deploying the SAP Mobile Platform PackageDeploying the Unwired Platform Package in Mobile Data Models: Using Data Orchestration Engine.
deploy -d|--domain domainName -a|--applicationID appID {-u|--technicalUser SAPUserAccount -pw|--password SAPUserPassword} | {-ca|-certAlias certificateAlias} [-sc|--securityConfiguration securityConfigName] [-dir|--deployFilesDirectory deploymentDirectory] [-h|--help] [-sl|--silent]