Package Management Commands
Manage DOE-C packages from the Command Line Utility, rather than from SAP Control Center.
deploy Command
Deploys a DOE-C package to SAP Mobile Server.
getPackages Command
Generates a list of deployed DOE-C packages, or returns detailed information for one or more specified packages.
setEndpointProperties Command
Sets the DOE endpoint properties for deployed DOE-C packages.
getEndpointProperties Command
Gets the DOE endpoint properties (HTTPTimeout value) for a deployed DOE-C package.
testEndpoint Command
Tests the DOE endpoint accessibility for a deployed DOE-C package.
setPackageSecurityConfiguration Command
Sets the security configuration for a deployed DOE-C package.
setPackageLogLevel Command
Sets the log level, which determines the amount of information logged, for one or more deployed DOE-C packages.
getPackageLogLevel Command
Gets the log level for one or more deployed DOE-C packages.
removePackages Command
Removes one or more deployed DOE-C packages from the SAP Mobile Server.
Parent topic:
SAP DOE Connector Command Line Utility
Created November 14, 2013.
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