Understand package changes supported by an Update deployment.
During deployment, multiple messages may be returned via the ProgressMonitor, which display in the Error Log view in SAP Mobile WorkSpace. Verification does not halt if an error is detected, it continues to log all relevant error messages. When deploying a package in Update mode where an existing version of that package is deployed, deployment fails verification and returns an error if it "breaks" the existing application.
virtualTable {MBOName} :removed MBO
MBO: {MBOName} Column {name} :new attribute
MBO: {MBOName} Column {name} :removed attribute
Columns Conflict in MBO {MBOName} different nodes
MBO: {MBOName} Implementations {MBOName} :new Implementation
MBO: {MBOName} Implementations {MBOName} :removed Implementation
Implementations Conflict in MBO {MBOName} different nodes
Service {name} :removed Service
Cache {name} :removed Cache
cachedTable {virtualTableName} :removed cachedTable from {name}
loadGroup {name}:removed loadGroup
New deployment document fails schema validation.
Virtual table {name} does not contain referenced column {columnRef}.
Virtual table {name} contains an empty or invalid primary key definition.
Verify that the {name} MBO contains attributes suitable for inclusion in a primary key (i.e. non-blob non-clob columns).
Cache-referenced virtual table {referencedTable} does not exist.
queryReference virtual table {referencedTable} does not exist.
Virtual table {virtualTableName} referenced by cache {cache} does not contain column {cachedColumnName}.
The virtual table {tableName} is referenced by more than one cache definition.
The data source {dataSourceName} is not a resource defined on the Mobile server
The connection factory {dataSourceName} is not a resource defined on the Mobile server
The endpoint factory {endpointName} is not a resource defined on the Mobile server
Deploys intersect, not allowed with mode UPDATE
Cannot Merge Documents. Name or version does not match