Deployment Mode and Target Version

You can set the version and modes in which a Mobile Application project or mobile deployment package are deployed to the target SAP Mobile Server.

Deployment Modes and Target Version
Option Description
Update (Default) Updates the target package with an updated version.

Use update where existing deployments and client applications need to continue to work.

After a successful (or failed) Update deployment, existing client applications previously synchronized with SAP Mobile Server continue to function: existing surrogate keys do not change, all operations are fully functional, and so on. No data loss on the devices occur, and the existing client can synchronize and upload operations as if the Update deployment never occurred.

Replace Replaces any of the target objects with those in the package.

Replace deletes an existing package immediately and replaces it with the newly deployed package with same name and version. Active client connections or EIS connections are terminated. SAP Mobile Server disables the package automatically and re-enables it once it becomes fully functional again. Replace and Update options should not be used for active packages, which may require the administrator to manually disable the package.

Verify Does not deploy the package but reports what, if any, errors would occur if you were to deploy the package using Update mode.
Target version Determines the version of the target package to which the package is to be deployed. By default, the current project version is used. You can enter a different version, if appropriate. The version consists of two numbers. For example, 1.0.
Package name The location in which the deployed unit resides. The default value is the Mobile Application project name.