Connection Logging

By default, each time a user connects or disconnects from a database, the <dbname>.iqmsg log records this action.

You can control logging of user connections and disconnections using the database option, LOG_CONNECT. If connection logging is disabled when a user connects, and then turned ON before the user disconnects, the message log shows that user disconnecting but not connecting.

For more information, see Reference: Statements and Options > Database Options > Alphabetical List of Options > LOG_CONNECT Option.

Related concepts
Ways to Connect
Supported Connection Interfaces
Connection Status
How Connection Parameters Work
Connection Parameters in ODBC Data Sources
Interactive SQL Connections
Using Server Classes for Remote Data Access
ODBC Data Sources
File Data Sources
The iAnywhere Solutions 16 Oracle ODBC Driver
Database Connections Using OLE DB
Connections from Other Databases
How to Test Connections
Integrated Logins
Connection Pooling
Temporary Connections
Logical Server Configuration
How to End Connections
Related reference
Roadmap for Connections