Sign up for the iPhone Developer Program, which gives you access to the Developer Connection portal. Registering as an enterprise developer gets you the certificate you need to sign applications.
Create a certificate request on your Mac through Keychain.
Log in to the Developer Connection portal.
Upload your certificate request.
Download the certificate to your Mac. Use this certificate to sign your application.
Create an AppID.
Verify that your info.plist file has the correct AppID and application name. Also, in Xcode, right-click Targets < <your_app_target> and select Get Info to verify the AppID and App name.
Create an enterprise provisioning profile and include the required device IDs with the enterprise certificate. The provisioning profile authorizes devices to use
applications you have signed.
Create an Xcode project ensuring the bundle identifier corresponds to the bundle identifier in the specified App ID. Ensure you are informed of the "Product Name" used in this project.