Use Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) to push notifications from Unwired Server to the iOS application. Notifications can include badges, sounds, or custom text alerts. Device users can customize which notifications to receive through Settings, or turn them off.
Each application that supports Apple Push Notifications must be listed in Sybase Control Center with its certificate and application name.
You must perform this task for each application.
- Confirm that the IT department has opened ports 2195 and 2196, by executing:
telnet 2195
telnet 2196 If the ports are open, you can connect to the Apple push gateway and receive feedback from it.
- Copy the enterprise certificate (*.p12) to the computer on which Sybase Control Center has been installed. Save the certificate in UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\Servers\MessagingServer\bin\.
In Sybase Control Center, expand the Servers folder and click Server Configuration for the primary server in the cluster.
- In the Messaging tab, select Apple Push Configuration, and:
- Configure Application name with the same name used to configure the product name in Xcode. If the certificate does not automatically appear, browse to the directory.
- Change the push gateway information to match that used in the production environment.
- Restart Unwired Server.
- Verify that the server environment is set up correctly:
- Open UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\Servers\UnwiredServer\logs\APNSProvider.
- Open the log file that should now appear in this directory. The log file indicates whether the connection to the push gateway is successful or not.
- Deploy the application and the enterprise distribution provisioning profile to your
users’ computers.
- Instruct users to use iTunes to install the application and profile, and how to enable notifications. In particular, device users must:
- Download the Sybase application from the App Store.
- In the iPhone Settings app, slide the Notifications control to On.
- Verify that the APNS-enabled iOS device is set up correctly:
- Click Device Users.
- Review the Device ID column. The application name should appear correctly at the end of the hexadecimal string.
- Select the Device ID and click Properties.
- Check that the APNS device token has been passed correctly from the application by verifying that a value is in the row. A device token appears only after the application runs.
- Test the environment by initiating an action that results in a new message being sent to the client.
If you have verified that both device and server can establish a connection to APNS gateway, the device will receive notifications and messages from the Unwired Server, including workflow messages, and any other messages that are meant to be delivered to that device. Allow a few minutes for the delivery or notification mechanism to take effect and monitor the pending items in the Device Users data to see that the value increases appropriately for the applications.
- To troubleshoot APNS, use the UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\Servers\Unwired Server\log\trace\APNSProvider log file. You can increase the trace output by editing <SUP_Home>\Servers\MessagingServer\Data\TraceConfig.xml and configuring the tracing level for the APNSProvider module to debug for short periods.