Using a Module Within a Project

Create an instance of a defined module within the project, and allow the inputs and outputs of the module to be bound to streams or windows in the project.

Existing modules, either created within the project or imported, can be used anywhere in a project. When you use (load) a module in a project, you attach the module inputs and outputs to streams or windows in the project by configuring bindings, and set any parameters used in the module.
  1. In the Module drawer of the Visual editor Palette, locate and select the module to add to the project.
    The Palette lists any modules defined in the current project, either in the main CCL file or in any imported CCL files. If no CREATE MODULE statements are found, the Palette drawer is empty.
  2. Click anywhere in the diagram to place the load module.
Related tasks
Creating a Module
Editing a Module
Creating a Module File
Importing Definitions from Another CCL File
Configuring the Loaded Module