Configuring the Loaded Module

Add or remove input and output bindings and parameter values (if any) for a specific module instance.

Active modules are created when existing module definitions are used to create new module instances.

  1. In the diagram, select the module instance to edit.
  2. To edit the name of the module instance, either:
    • Click the load module instance name.
    • In verbose mode, click Edit load_module.gif.
  3. Set the input bindings by adding connectors: first expand the Input Bindings compartment to that you can see the list of inputs. Then add connectors to the shape in the order of the list of inputs. To see the schema for an input or how a particular input is used in the module, you can look "inside" the module by clicking the Open Module Diagram on the shape toolbar. This will open the model in a separate editor so that you can see the structure of the module.
  4. Output bindings will have been set automatically, and the outputs will appear on the diagram attached to the module instance. You can rename the outputs as desired. Note: for input bindings the schema on both sides of the binding needs to be compatible.
  5. Further modify input or output bindings by selecting an individual binding in the load module, and changing any of these options in the Properties window:
    Property Value
    inputStreamOrWindow Select the available input stream or window components from the list.
    streamOrWindowInModule Select the available stream or window to bind with existing stream or window inputs.
    comment (Output only) Add a comment or description of the output stream.
    name (Output only) Add a name to the output stream.
  6. If the module uses any parameters, Parameter bindings will be listed in the module instance shape on the diagram. Set parameter values in the Properties View:
    • parameterInModule: the parameter name.
    • parameterValue: the value to set this parameter to, for this instance of the module.
  7. (Optional)Click Add Store Binding (store_memory.gif). If you omit a store binding, the default memory store will be used. You can optionally specify a store for windows in the module.
  8. Edit the store binding by selecting and modifying the available fields in the Properties window:
    • storeInModule – the classification of the string, by default NULL.
    • storeValue – value phrase that defines the parameter binding
  9. To access input or output windows used inside a load module, select Open Module Diagram (diagram.gif).
Related tasks
Creating a Module
Editing a Module
Creating a Module File
Importing Definitions from Another CCL File
Using a Module Within a Project