Generating BlackBerry Code For Debugging

Generate BlackBerry code and launch a BlackBerry project, where you can debug the generated code.

Install the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse v1.1.
  1. Click the Verify icon check_16 on the toolbar to verify the device application has no errors.
  2. Click the code generation icon generate_deviceclient_16 on the toolbar.
  3. In the Generate Device Application wizard, in Device Platform, select BlackBerry, and, optionally, select:
    Option Description
    Server domain The domain to use for the connection profile. The profiles used in the design appear in the Profile column. The initial value of "default" appears under the domain. Select the Domain column to choose a different domain.

    You can enter any value you want or select one that is available. The list of available domains are returned from the profile. If you have previously connected to any domains, it caches the list of last known domains. If you have never connected to a domain, “default” is returned.

    Locale Expand this section to see a list of available locales from which you can select.
    Advanced Expand this section to see advanced options:
    • Check Mobile Business Object on Sybase Unwired Platform Server – verify that the mobile business objects that are used in the device application exist on the corresponding Unwired Server.
    • Mobile Business Object Group – the mobile business object group that contains the mobile business objects you want to verify. Click Generate Code to launch the Generate Code wizard.
  4. Click Next.
  5. (Optional) In the Generate Device Application wizard, in Favorite Configurations, select a saved configuration from the drop-down list.
  6. Select Debug the BlackBerry Application with BlackBerry Java Plug-in and click Browse to specify the client and options project to use to debug the device application. Click New to create a new BlackBerry project. Two projects are created for the generated code.
    • Client project – contains the application with an icon that you can view from the home screen or from the download folder. This application includes the user interface that you see in the Device Application Designer in the Flow Design and Screen Design pages.
      Note: If more than one application will reside on the same device, they must each have their own unique client package name unless the object API code are exactly the same for those applications.
    • Options project – contains settings screens and the object API code and can be accessed from BlackBerry options.
  7. (Optional) Select Launch the BlackBerry Project to launch the BlackBerry project with a launch configuration after the code generation wizard finishes, then from Launch Configuration, select the launch configuration you want to use.
  8. (Optional) To create a new launch configuration, or edit an existing launch configuration, click Configure.
  9. (Optional) In the Advanced section, select Remove the Custom Folder to remove any previously generated custom code placed in the Custom folder.
  10. Click Finish.