Creating a BlackBerry Project

Create new client and library options projects in which to debug the generated device application code.

  1. In the Device Application Designer Code Generation wizard, next to either Options Project or Client Project, click New.
  2. In the New BlackBerry Project wizard, enter a name for the project.
  3. In Contents, select either:
    • Create new project in workspace – to create a new project with the specified name in the workspace.
    • Create project from existing source – to specify the location from which the New Java Project wizard retrieves an existing Java project.
  4. Select Use a project specific JRE to specify a specific JRE, or select Use default JRE to specify the default JRE in the workspace.
  5. (Optional) Click Configure JREs to add, delete, or edit JRE definitions.
  6. (Optional) Select Add project to working sets, then click Select to add the BlackBerry project to an existing Eclipse working set, or to create a new working set.
  7. (Optional) Click Next to define the Java build settings. See the Java Development User Guide > Reference > Wizards and Dialogs > Create New Elements > New Java Project Wizard for information about defining Java build settings.
  8. Click Finish.