Adding a Role to a User-Extended Role

Add a role as an underlying role of a user-extended role. Members of the user-extended role inherit all system privileges and roles of the underlying role, but do not become members of the underlying role. Members of the underlying role do not become members of the user-extended role.

Database Version Role-Based User-Extended Role Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4 Not supported.
SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 To enable the Manage Roles option requires one of:
  • Administrative rights over the role (role administrator).
  • MANAGE ROLES system privilege if the role has a global role administrator.

To then add an underlying system role requires MANAGE ROLES system privilege.

To then add an underlying user-defined or compatibility role requires one of:
  • Administrative rights over the underlying role (role administrator).
  • MANAGE ROLES system privilege if the underlying role has a global role administrator.
  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and select Resource > Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane, select IQ Servers > Security > Role-Based > User-Extended Roles.
  3. Select a role from the right pane and either:
    • Click the arrow to the right of the name and select Manage Roles, or
    • From the Administration Console menu bar, select Resource > Manage Roles.
      Warning!  When adding an underlying role to a role, be sure you select the correct menu option. Each option has different inheritance outcomes. To review the differences, see Security Implications of the Managing Grantees and Managing Roles Options.
    A list of roles currently granted to the user-extended role appears.
  4. Click Grant.
  5. Select one or more system or compatibility roles to grant. Only roles to which you have administrative rights appear on the list.
    Tip: Use Shift-click or Control-click to select multiple roles.
  6. Click OK.
    The selected roles appear with Role only rights (no administrative rights).
  7. (Optional) (For compatibility and user-defined roles only) To modify the administrative rights of an underlying role, highlight a role. Click in the Grant Options column, click the arrow, and select the administrative rights to be granted.
    Grant Option Description
    Role only (default) Grantee can use the underlying system privileges of the role only.
    Administrative only Grantee can grant and revoke the selected role to other users and roles, but cannot use its underlying system privileges.
    Administrative and role Grantee can grant and revoke the selected role to other users and roles and use its underlying system privileges.
    Note: The following steps represent a behavior change with SAP Sybase IQ 16.0, for the following roles only.
    Prior to 16.0, when granting membership to one of these roles, the default inheritance behavior was to not allow members of the role to automatically inherit the underlying system privileges and roles of the compatibility role. Only the log on user (of the role) would inherit. As of 16.0, the default behavior is to allow automatic inheritance by all members of the role.
  8. (Optional for SYS_AUTH_DBA_ROLE only) To prevent automatic inheritance of the SYS_AUTH_DBA_ROLE when granted with the Administrative and Role option, click in the Inheritance column, and select No Inheritance.
  9. (Optional for SYS_AUTH_DBA_ROLE, SYS_AUTH_BACKUP_ROLE, SYS_RUN_REPLICATION_ROLE, SYS_AUTH_RESOURCE_ROLE, or SYS_AUTH_VALIDATE_ROLE only) To prevent automatic inheritance when granted with Role only option, click in the Inheritance column, and select No Inheritance.
  10. Click OK.
Related concepts
Manage Role Administrators of a User-Extended Role
Manage Global Role Administrators of a User-Extended Role
Security Implications of the Managing Grantees and Managing Roles Options
Related tasks
Creating a User-Extended Role
Deleting a User-Extended Role
Converting a User-Extended Role to a User
Adding a Grantee to a User-Extended Role
Changing a Grantee's Administrative Rights on a User-Extended Role
Removing a Grantee From a User-Extended Role
Changing Administrative Rights on an Underlying Role of a User-Extended Role
Removing a Role from a User-Extended Role
Adding a System Privilege to a User-Extended Role
Changing Administrative Rights on a User-Extended Role Granted Privilege
Removing a System Privilege from a User-Extended Role
Viewing or Modifying Role-Based User-Extended Role Options
Generating User-Extended Role DDL Commands
Viewing or Modifying User-Extended Role Properties
Changing a User-Extended Role Password
Forcing a User-Extended Role to Change their Password
Unlocking a User-Extended Role Account
Changing a User-Extended Role Login Policy
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource
Related reference
Role-Based User-Extended Role Privilege Summary