Adding a Grantee to a User-Extended Role
Add a user or role as a member (grantee) of a user-extended role. Grantee inherits all underlying system privileges and roles of the user-extended role.
Removing a Grantee From a User-Extended Role
Remove a user or role as a member (grantee) of a user-extended role. Grantees lose the ability to use any underlying system privileges or roles of the user-extended role.
Adding a Role to a User-Extended Role
Add a role as an underlying role of a user-extended role. Members of the user-extended role inherit all system privileges and roles of the underlying role, but do not become members of the underlying role. Members of the underlying role do not become members of the user-extended role.
Removing a Role from a User-Extended Role
Remove a role as an underlying role of a user-extended role. Members of the user-extended role lose the ability to use any system privileges of the underlying role.
Manage Role Administrators of a User-Extended Role
Role administrators are responsible for granting and revoking user-extended roles to users and other roles. You can add and remove role administrators as needed.
Generating User-Extended Role DDL Commands
Display the SQL data description language for creating a user-extended role. The SQL code can be a useful reference and training tool.