Suspending an LDAP Server Configuration Object

Put an LDAP server configuration object into maintenance mode. While in maintenance mode, all connections to the LDAP server configuration object are closed and LDAP user authentication is unavailable.

Database Version LDAP Server Configuration Object Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4 Not supported.
SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 Requires MANAGE ANY LDAP SERVER system privilege.
  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and select Resource > Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane, select IQ Servers > Security > LDAP Servers.
  3. Select one or more LDAP servers from the right pane and either:
    • Click the arrow to the right of the name and select Suspend, or
    • From the Administration Console menu bar, select Resource > Suspend.
    Tip: Use Shift-click or Control-click to select multiple LDAP servers.
  4. Verify that the list of LDAP server configuration objects to be suspended is correct and click Yes.
    If suspension is successful, the value in the State column beside the LDAP server configuration object changes to SUSPENDED.
Related concepts
LDAP Server Overview
Related tasks
Creating an LDAP Server Configuration Object
Deleting an LDAP Server Configuration Object
Activating an LDAP Server Configuration Object
Refreshing an LDAP Server Configuration Object
Validating a User on an External LDAP Server
Generating LDAP Server Configuration Object DDL Commands
Viewing or Modifying LDAP Server Configuration Object Properties
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource
Related reference
LDAP Server Configuration Object Privilege Summary