Search URL—The host (by name or by IP address), port
number, and search to be performed to look up the DN for a given user ID.
For example: ldap://my_LDAPserver:389/dc=MyCompany,dc=com??sub?cn=*
Authentication URL—The host (by name or by IP
address), port number, and search to be performed to look up the DN for a
given user ID, or enter NULL.
Access account—The distinguished name for a user used
to connect to the LDAP server configuration object. For example: cn=iqadmin,
cn=Users, dc=mycompany, dc=com
Password—The password for the Access account.
Encrypted—Indicates that the password is provided in
encrypted format.
Connection timeout—The length of time after which the
system stops trying to connect to the LDAP server configuration object.
Value can be entered in milliseconds, seconds, or minutes. Valid range is
between 1-3600000 milliseconds (3600 seconds or 60 minutes). Default value
is 10000 milliseconds.
Connection retries—The maximum number of connection
retries. Valid range is 1-60. Default value is 3.
Use TLS protocol on LDAP connections—Enables the TLS
protocol on LDAP connections. Note: This option is unavailable if the SEACH
URL value specifies ldps://...