You can reschedule an existing backup job by resetting the schedule,
target server, and execution options for the backup job.
- In the
Administration Console view, expand
- Click Reschedule Jobs
- Click the Name field of the scheduled job, then click the drop-down arrow and
select Reschedule.
- In the Introduction screen, enter the name of the job you want to reschedule.
- In the Select Schedule screen, choose the schedule you want to apply to your
- In the Target Server screen:
- Choose a server from the pull-down list as your target server on which your
job executes. The server can be a local host or a remote server.
- Select Reset target server to set the target server on
which the scheduled job will be executed. By default, this option is unselected
and the original target server is used.
- In the Job Execution Options screen, update these schedule settings:
- Time out for the schedule
- Log output for the job
- Allow others to use
- Disable the scheduled job when the job fails
- Delete the scheduled job when the job completes
- (Optional) Click Summary to verify your settings:
- (Optional) Click Preview to view the SQL syntax for the
options you selected for the schedule.