PowerBuilder applications are event driven.
Write a script to specify the processing that takes place when an event occurs.
Script View in PowerBuilder .NET
Use the Script view to code functions and events, define your own funtions and events, and declare variables and external functions.
Editing Scripts
Perform standard editing tasks in the Script view using the Edit menu, the pop-up menu in the Script view, or the PainterBars. There are shortcuts for many editing actions.
Code Snippets
You can store short code snippets and reuse them in scripts.
IntelliSense helps you write PowerScript code more quickly by providing a lookup and paste service inside the Script view.
Identifier Names
The rules for naming variables, labels, functions, windows, controls, menus, and anything else you would reference in a script are different in PowerBuilder .NET than in PowerBuilder Classic.
Inner Control Properties and Methods
The properties and methods of controls in the System.Windows.Controls namespace are accessible in the PowerBuilder .NET Script Editor through the PowerScript InnerControl property. These controls are the ancestors to all PowerBuilder .NET controls.
Declaring Variables and External Functions
The default layout in the Application, Window, and User Object painters includes a Script view where you can declare variables. Keeping a separate Script view open makes it easy to declare any variables or external functions you need to use in your code without closing and compiling the script.
Go To Definition
Go To Definition allows you to find the definition of a type, variable, method, event, or object that you select in the Script view.
Skin Selection for Applications and Controls
At design time, you can select system-defined and custom skins for PowerBuilder .NET applications and individual visual controls. You can also allow customers to change skins on applications and controls at runtime.
Right-To-Left Formatting
In PowerBuilder .NET, the RightToLeft PowerScript property has been deprecated, and is replaced by the FlowDirection property.
Coding Restrictions
Several PowerScript coding practices are not permitted in the .NET environment.
Supported Custom Events
PowerBuilder .NET cannot generically support user-defined custom events because there is no matching concept for these types of events in WPF applications. However, PowerBuilder .NET does provide support for some of the more commonly used events of this type.
Using Multithreading
When you deploy a PowerBuilder application that contains shared objects to .NET, the application can be run in a multithreaded environment. The PowerBuilder .NET runtime library also supports .NET synchronization, enabling your application to avoid possible data corruption.
eXtensible Application Markup Language (XAML) allows you to code an applications' presentation aspects separately from the business logic that you code in the PowerBuilder .NET painter Script views.
Created December 8, 2011. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: