The default layout in the Application, Window, and User Object painters includes a Script view where you can declare variables. Keeping a separate Script view open makes it easy to declare any variables
or external functions you need to use in your code without closing and compiling the script.
- Select (Declare) from the first list in the Script view.
- Select the variable type (instance, shared, or global) or the function type (local or global) from the second list.
You can also declare namespaces, using namespace directives, and interfaces in the Script view.
- Type the declaration in the Script view.
For more information about:
- Declaring and using variables, see the PowerScript Reference.
- Declaring and using external functions, see the PowerScript Reference and Application Techniques.
- Namespaces and using namespace directives, see Declaring a Namespace.
- Interfaces, see Defining an Interface.