Troubleshooting options for debugging end-to-end processing problems using a JCO connection to an SAP data source and Web service to expose SAP BAPIs.
High-level Process Flow
This section describes high-level process flow when using SAP as a data source.
SAP JCO Connection Process Flow![JCO Process Flow](../image/penmqu1263497255390_21-mqu1299278836195.image)
Troubleshooting Options
This section describes the options available for diagnosing process flow problems.
SAP-side Debugging
- Verify the SAP data source is running.
- Verify the SAP data source privileges have been granted properly.
- Ensure the SAP BAPIs are exposed properly as Web services.
- Verify credentials are correct.
- Check for error messages.
Search Troubleshooting for the topic Verifying SAP Prerequisites.
SAP JCO Connection Debugging
- Verify the JCO connection is configured properly and is operational.
- Check for error messages.
Sybase Unwired Platform-side Debugging
- Verify Unwired Server is up and running.
- Turn on JCo tracing in the Unwired Server system properties:
- In Sybase Control Center for Sybase Unwired Platform, select Performance Configuration > User Options for your Unwired Server.
- Add the following options to the -sl java { ... } section of mlsrv.ini:
The jco.trace_level determines the level of detail of tracing you get from the JCO libraries. The jco.trace_path determines a directory where trace files get stored.
If your SAP-based MBOs fail, turning on tracing can help determine the cause.
- Verify the JCO connection is configured properly. The JCO DLLs and library files must be in the correct location, and they differ for the development environment, and the production environment.
For Unwired Server JCo connections, see the topic Preparing Unwired Server to Connect to SAP using Java Connectors in System Administration.
For Unwired WorkSpace connections, see the topic SAP Java Connector (JCo) Prerequisites in Sybase Unwired WorkSpace online help.