Device client and Unwired Server troubleshooting tools for diagnosing Apple iOS development problems.
Check the log record on the device. Use the individual entity class getLogRecords method, or assemble a query using the SUPQuery class and call the database class getLogRecords method.
This is a sample log format (depending on your query):
<header> [level] code component entityKey level message operation requestId timestamp
This log format generates output similar to:
2010-06-22 10:54:28.927 SAPSimpleApps2[91202:207] [INFO] [SAPTest.m:295] entity has a log record: code = 200, component = SalesOrder, entityKey = 500151, level = 3, message = Successful, operation = changeFromData, requestId = 33416006, timestamp = 2010-06-22 03:54:22 -0700