Security enhancements

Earlier versions of Sybase IQ support two authorities for performing database administration tasks: DBA and RESOURCE.

Sybase IQ also supports a set of authorities that SQL Anywhere provides. See "Authorities overview" in SQL Anywhere Server – Database Administration.

Sybase IQ 15.2 provides granularity in the database administration tasks through new authorities that are reserved for particular well-defined tasks. This enables users to run with as few privileges as possible at all times and limits the number of users with DBA authority.

Table 1 lists the new authorities and the tasks that each authority enables non-DBA users to perform.

Table 1: Granular authorities

Authority name




Required to back up and checkpoint databases, and drop connections

System Administration Guide: Volume 1 > Managing User IDs and Permissions > OPERATOR authority overview.


Required to administer multiplex servers

Using Sybase IQ Multiplex > Managing Multiplex Servers > MULTIPLEX ADMIN authority overview.


Required to manage data permissions, groups, authorities, and passwords

System Administration Guide: Volume 1 > Managing User IDs and Permissions > PERMS ADMIN authority overview.


Required to manage dbspaces, manage CREATE permission on dbspaces, and perform read-only selective database restore operations

System Administration Guide: Volume 1 > Managing User IDs and Permissions > SPACE ADMIN authority overview.


Required to manage users, login policies, and external logins

System Administration Guide: Volume 1 > Managing User IDs and Permissions > USER ADMIN authority overview.

See System Administration Guide: Volume 1 > Managing User IDs and Permissions > Authorities overview.