If you are going to upgrade to Adaptive Server 15.0, and incrementally begin using Adaptive Server 15.0 features, upgrade your Adaptive Server 12.5 and database to Adaptive Server 15.0.3 ESD #1 or later, which supports migration using QPTune. Use allrows_oltp as the optimization goal and enable compatibility mode for the upgrade.
When you are ready to use Adaptive Server 15.0 features:
Use QPTune to turn on the statistics advisor.
Run the application queries. QPTune advises you on what statistics are critical, and creates them. Typically, most queries are tuned at this point.
Run QPTune using Adaptive Server 15.0 optimization goals.
Run the queries with different optimization goals and select the best performing optimization goal.
Run the application queries again.
Check if there are any queries left to be tuned.
Run QPTune for queries that need further tuning.
Manually tune the remaining queries using abstract query plans.
You can incrementally migrate stored procedures using the same methodology.